JULY, 1893.)
the southern division, xiv. 16. In a note to with the note" or Bhásápura or Bhásávaras. his translation of xiv. 7, Kern explains the "May be, Bhásáparas (= Bhásávaras) means name by "the Blessed," and suggests that " those who live on this side of Mount the Bhadras are probably the same with the "Bhasa." Utpala gives no explanation. Bhadraśvas, q. v.
Bhimarnth, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 9. The Bhadraśva, a people, to be placed in the middle published text has Bhimarathdyáh, which
country if identified with the Bhadras; the Kern rendered by “ (the inhabitants of the king of the Bhadrâśvas (Bhadráśva-nripa), western half of the district) of the Bhimaramiso, ref., ix. 11. In a note to his transla- tha.” A various reading is Bhimarathyâyah, tion, Kern remarks-“The Bhadraśvas area which gives the name of Bhîmarathya. A mythical peoplo, fabled to live in the remote grant of the Eastern Chalukya king VishEast, or, according to the phrase of the nuvardhana I. gives the name as Bhimarathi astronomical Siddhantas, at 90° E. from (Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. pp. 304, 310). The Lanka, in the region where Yavakoti, “Java river is undoubtedly the modern Bhima, Point," is situated. (The reading Yamakoti which rises in the Sahyadri range, and flows is erroneous; for Yama's kingdom is in the into the Krishna near Raichur. South, not in the East; and, besides, the Bhringi (?), a people (?); misc. ref., iv. 22. compound Yamakôţi is devoid of sense.) There are the various readings of Bhrigi, The origin of the Bhadrâśvas living near Jsingi, and Vannga; and in his translation the Udayagiri may be traced, I think, to Kern stamps the word as “very doubtful." Rigveda, i. 115, 2, seq."
Bhôgáprastha, a (?) people, in the northern Bhalla, (v. 1. Bhilla), a people in the north-east division, xiv. 25. division, xiv. 30.
Bhôgavardhana, a (?) city or country; misc. Bharata, a people; misc. ref. xvi. 21.
ref., perhaps an interpolation, xvi. 12. Bharatavarsha, xiv. 1. The word occurs in Bhútapura, the city of spirits,' in the northern
other works as Bharatavarsha. In the division, xiv. 27. latter form, it means the country of Bharata ;' | Brahmapura, a city, in the north-east division, and in the other, the country of the Bharatas xiv. 30. or descendants of Bharata. And it is a balls, the island of (urishadvipa), in the southname for the whole of India, the first king east division, xiv. 9. of which is held to have been Bharata, son of Dushyanta.
cannibals (purushida, púrusháda), in the eastBharukachchha, the modern Bharuch or Bha- ern division, xiv. 6; misc. ref., iv. 22.
roch, i, e. 'Broach,' a city in the southern In a note to the translation, Kern remarks division, xiv. 11; misc. ref., xvi. 6; lxix. 11; -"the cannibals, being always placed in - the rulers of Bharukachchha (Bharu- the far East, must denote either the inhabikachchha-pah), v. 40. The name Bharukach- tants of the Andamans and Nicobars, or the chha occurs in inscriptions at Junnar and cannibal tribes of the Indian Archipelago, Nasik (Archaeol. Sury. West. Ind. Vol. IV. or both." See also kravyásin.' pp. 96, 100); and perhaps in the Junagadh castes. The work does not mention the inscription of Rudradâman (Ind. Ant. Vol. Brâhmans with any topographical reference: VII. p. 262, where, however, “Maru and but it locates the Kshatriyas (mentioned by Kachchha" is preferred by the editors). the term rájanya) in the northern division, Sometimes the Sansksit or Sanskritised form xiv. 28; the Vaisyas in the western division, Bhrigukachchha is met with (e. g., Ind. Ant. xiv, 21; and the Sadras in the south-west Vol. XII. p. 189; Vol. XIX. p. 175). By the division, xiv. 18. Greeks it was called Barygara.
Chaidya, the people of Chêdi, q. v.; misc. Bhâsâ pura (P), a town (?); misc. ref., xvi. 11. ref., xi. 59. See also Chedika.'
The published text has Bhásúpura, with the Champå, a (?) town or country; misc. ref., various readings of Bhásapura, Bhásüpürt, xvi. 3. Bhúsháparar, and Dasapura. In his transla- Chañchůka (v. l. Champûka), a people in the tion, however, Kern gives "the BhAsaparas;" south-west division, xiy. 18.