... 174
...... 252
20 20
Badara, a people......
Bone Queen, story of the........................... 22 Bahlika, or B&hlika, a country and the brab, old Anglo-Indian for the toddy-palm... 249f. people of it ..............
Brahmadêva of Råyapura, inscription of, Buhugiri, a mountainous country .............. 174 noted .................. ..
........... 83 Baijnath on karma
............ 229ff.
Brahmajdlasutta referred to in the Kalyani Bairât Edict edited..........
299 Inscriptions......................................... Baladêvapattana, a city ............................. 174. Brahmapura, a city ..................................... 175 Bangkok = Dvårávati .......... ..................... 4 bride, capture of, in folktales ...................... 78 bao, derivation of ..................................... 165 | Brihat-Savihitú, the, of Varahamihira; its Barawai Rumayan of Tulsi Dâs, an account topographical list ....................... 169 to 195 of the..........
201 Buddha, image of, in a cave at Negapatam, 45: Barawé, see Barawai Rumayan .................. 201 serpent canopy of, 339, 349, 353:- and the Barbara, a people .........................................
mole, the tale of, 160:- Gautama, figures bark, the island of, 171, 174;-wearers of of, explained, 319ff; old and modern, bark ................
............. 174 1 dressing of figures of, 539; huge recumbus reliefs, Buddhist, described ................339ff. bent figures of, instances of ................... 347 Basseen, a variant of Bassein .........
Buddhaghúsa, bis mission to thatón doubtBussein, the naine explained, 1&ff.;=Kuthên. fol, 14 ; not mentioned in the Kalyani In. Bassien = Bassein .............
.......... 20 s criptions .............................................. 14 Bassim = Passein ............
Buddhism, Brian Hodgon's opinions on Battiam =(P) Bussein ...............
Northern, 363:- Northern, in Burma, Bauddha =a Buddhist ...... .................363f. 358ff., 362ff.; the Northern or Mahayana Bean-stalk, Jack and the, Lushai variant of... 79 School came first to Burma, 165 :- Tantrik, bed, hero in folktale carried away by a tiger in Burma, 358ff. :-the present Southern or on bis, 75; bed and banyan tree, notes on
Hinayana School of Burmese, is a reforVariants of the folktale incident ............... 77 mation, 165:- a short history of, in the Belgaum District, an inscription in the, Kalyani Inscriptions ......... noticed ......................................
Buddhist sects in Ceylon, the three, 39; in beryl-mines ............
Pagàn, 31; the six at Muttimanagara, 33 :Besynga = Bassein doubtfully ...............
schisms, early, 15ff. :-priests in Ceylon, Bhadra, a people ............
list of celebrated, 44; in Pegu, list of, 48; Bhadrava, a people ............
in Burma, number of, about 1450 A.D., 87; Bhalla, or Bhilla, a people
in Burma, titles granted to celebrated, Bharata, a people ..........
44:- figures in Burma described, 319ff.:Bharutuvarsha, one of the ancient names of sites in Burma ...................................... 361f.
175 bulls, the island of.................................... 175 Bharukachchha, the moderu. Brouch............ Burma, notes on the name, 8:- ancient, Bhásápura (?), apparently a town
emigration from India into..................... Bhilla; Bee Bhalla .......
Burmese, Sanskrit words in, 162ff. ;-- double Bhimaratha, the river Bhima ..................... 175 words in, one half Påļi, one half San. Bbögnprustha, apparently a people ............ 175 skļiu in origin, 164:-- palæography, notes Bhoga vardhana, upparently a city or country. 175 on .................. Bhringi(), apparently a people.................. Bhuminátha, a title given to frogs in Nepal... 294 Cambodia is not Kampoja ............ bhàtapuril, the city of spirits' ................... 175 Cambodian architecture in Burma, 349, date Bhuvanaikavira, title of Samarakoláhala Pân. of ..................
.................353ff. ly1..................................................... 61 cannibale ......................... ................ 175 Bluvun kabahu of Ceylon, Ramadhipati's castes referred to in the Brihat-Samhita ...... 175
letter to, on a tablet of gold ................... 41 Cuvee, Buddhist, about Maulmain described, Binay Pittrikei of Tulsi Dås, an account of, 257f. 3278.- ves,listof,in the Amherst district, B'inji Caves described ........................ 327, 339 327£.; on the Ataràn and Dündami Rivers, Birbal, connected with a folktale, 321: his 327:- Kögun a note on the, 366;- Pågåt, a Sun quoted in a folktale ns "young Birbal." 321
note on the, 366:- Buddhist, at Negapatam, bird, cayle, suve's heroine in folktales .......... 100 45:- in Cochin China, 329:-- in the Laos blood, power of, to turn snake-bero into a States, 399:- in Sinm, 329:-artificial lightsrike ................................................... 102
ing of Buddhist, cases of, 339 and note :Bodhisattvas, the Nine................................ 10. femule figures in Burmese Buddhist, rare... 339
India .............