Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 22
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 431
________________ INDEX. 371 Hindustan .................. 21ff., 79ff., 289ff., 321 Lusuais........................ ........... 78ff. Salsette ..................53f., 2438., 276ff., 306ff. Santali, noted .............. .............. 95 Among the Sgaw-Karens ......................284ff. Western India ........................... 213ff., 315ff. forests, various, of ancient India ................ 177 fortune, seeking, by a journey in folktales ... 53 foundling, out of the sea, in folktales ......... 216 frogs, worship of, among the Newars of Nepal, 292ff.:- given the title of paramidvara in Népůl, 294:- called Bhuminátha in Nepal.. 294 *******.......... 82 SAka..... year from the introduction of the (Buddhist) Religion into Pugama quoted, 30;— 147&nd year from the establishment of the Reli. gion in Lankadipa quoted ....................... 89 eras used in recorded dates :Anno Buddha (Jinachakka)...2, 5. 17, 33, 38, 39 Chedi ........... Chalukya Vikrama.......... .......... 109 Kaliyuga ......... ................ 116 noto Lakshmanasena ............... ............... 107 ................. 107, 136, 137, 220 Sakkäraj ... 2, 5, 17, 30, 32, 34, 42, 45, 46, 87 Simha ........... .................108ff. Vikrama Samvat...80, 81, 82, 83, 94, 98, 103ff. fras used in MSS.:Jaya ................ ................ 95 Vikrama ............ .............. ...90, 97 era, names of Jovian years used in recorded dates: - Ananda.......... .............. 137 Akshaya (Kshaya) .......... Kilaka ...... Prabhava.... Pramåthin ...... Sådhårana ................................. Saumya .......................................... 136 Sôbbakrit ................ Sukla............. 136 Visva vasu......... Yuva Etymology of place-names in Burina ........ 19: evil eye in Burma ............ 50 “yes; one-eyed people, 171, 177;-three-ered people .......... . ........ 178 137 116n. 178 138 137 ........ 177 Gajahvaya, apparently the modern Dehli ... 179 Gajapura, the modern Dehli ..................... 178 Gambhirik& river ..................................... 178 Ganapati of Nalapura, his genealogy, 81; - inscription of, noted ............................... 81 Ghinapati I., Kakatiya, his date discussed ... 396 Ganpati II, Kakatiya, his date discussed ... 326 Ganarijya, a kingdom ............ ...... 178 Gandhåra country and people.... Gandharva, the choristers of heaven........... Ganga, the river Ganges .............................. Ganivi of Valligama, his rebellion against the king of Ceylon .................... Garuha; see Guruba ................................. 178 Gaudaka, i people ..................................... Gadragriva, a people.................. 173 Gavya, a people ............. 123 geographical notes the divisions of India, and the countries, tribes, &c., &c., accord. ing to the Brihuat-Samhita of Varihami. hira......................... ................169 to 195 Ghosha, a people ............ ghosts of European type in an Indian folktale ............ ........... 313 Girinagara, a city ......... *** .............. 173 Girivraja, a people.................................... 179 glazed tablets and bricks in Burma explained, 353,"nf., inscribed tablet from Wunthô described .................... ............... 947 glazing, in old art in Burma ..................340fr. Gobbur in the Nizim's Dominions, the date of an inscription at ............ 293 'God' uniong the Karens, 284 and note : as the father of the Karens ............... 28.1ff. Gödüvari river.......................................... 178 Güla, a foreign people in ancient Burma ...... lof. Gülamuattikanagara = Ayetbema ............... 16 Gólangúla, apparently a mountain.................. 175 gold, the regions of ................................. 179 Gümanta, a mountain ............................... Gomati, a river ...................................... 175 Gónarda, a people .......................................... 178 Göpichala = Gwalior .............. ............. .... 178 fuces; dog-faced, horse-faced, long-faced, and tiger-faced people ............................. 177 fairies: famons, 518ff.:- names of ............ 32 Farin" caves described, 327 ff., 329ff., Farru = Parum, name of a Buddhist cave, Jis cussed ................................................329f. fate, written, 279, 245:-- heroine destined to gire birth to the Sun and Moon, 315 ff.: overruled by Paramesar ......................... 292 fexther (see hair) magic ........................... 276. feet; one-footed people.............................. 177 flesh, eaters of raw ............. figures, Buddhist, from Burma explained..... 351 finger of a devotee of the Sun feeds children when sucked .................. .................. 317 fute, magie, in folktales, charms animals, 76; has no power over cow3,76!- magic, notes on variants, 76f.:- references to varianta... 78 Folktales : Arakan .......... ............... 986f. Borma... ...........*********** ................ 159ff. ........ 177 178


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