Mab&vihara, in Ceylon, foundation of the, Bêruka, a people, country, or mountain ...... 185
38:-sect in Ceylon prevails, 39f.: estab- metamorphosis, hero into a fly, 248; into a
lished in Ramalladésa............................ 40f. crow, 290; into a cat and back, 290; into a Maha yasatbêta ........................................ 16 bug, 424:- old man into a young one and Mahendra mountain ................................ 18+ back ....................... ................ 276f. Mahi river .......................
metempsychosis, Buddhist belief in, illusMahimparakaya, a merchant of Návutapat
trated tana, trading to Pegu .....
45 Mewa, a folk derivation of the name ........... 195 Mahinsakı, district of ........
Miazza Pra is S'inbyQyin.......................... Mahinda, the Buddhist Apostle to Ceylon, milky ocean, the................
apostolic succession from, in Burma.......... 13 mines, the mines; an ancient place, 185; Mahisha, a country ..................
184 mines of beryl-stone...... Mahishaka, the people of Mahisha.............. 184 Minlwin, name of a Buddhist Cave ............ Majjhantikathêrs ........
Mithila country ............... M&kara, 6 people .......
184 Mi-yatma, a hobgoblin in Burma ............... Malava country and people, in the northern Mléchchhas.................... ............... 185
division of India ..................................... Möggalinathêra, head of Råmidhipati's depuMalaya mountain .................................... 184 tation to Ceylon .............................. 40f. M&lindya, a mountain ................................. Möggaliputtatissathêra reforms Buddhism in Malla, a people ........................................
A söka's day............... ..................16, 18 Mályavat, a mountain ............................... months, names of Hindu lunar, mentioned in Mammudi Choli
recorded dates :Mânâbharana, Pandya king
Asalba ...........
................... 46 Manahals, a people ........
first of the two Asalha .................. Mandakini, the Ganges .......
second Asalha ............................ 43, Mandanadêva Paramara..
AshAdha ...............................81, 108, 109 Mándavya, a people ..............
Assayuja ............................................ 46 Manimat, a mountain
Asvina ...... ***
*******************... 109 Manipur, names for .........
Bhadda Manipura, district of............
Bhidrapada............ ....
.................. 107 Mannaikudi, battle of ........
Chaitra ............. ................. ...82, Manoharf, a Talaing king, 17; his date ...... 17 Chitra .................................... ...... Marammadêsa = Burma Proper ...............
Jettha .................................... .... Marang Buru = the Parasnâth Hill........... 295 Kartika................ ...................******* Maravarman Påndya destroys the Pallavas..65, 68 Kattika - ....... ..****...*************** mariners ....... ............. 184 Magha
. .. marriage custom, Brahman girl married to
................ Kshatriya Raja in folktale ......................
Migasira ..................................... 49, marshes, or swamps ..............................
M ithuna ........................................ 219 Marttikävata, a people ..........
Phaggura............... Maru, the modern Mârwad ..........
................80, 83 Maruchipattana, a city .......... .............
Rishabha ............ ................ 131, 919 Maruk uchcha, a people.............................
Simha ........
................. 220 Martabán = Muttam ................................
Visakh&.................. ................2, 45 martaban = a Pegu Jar.................... 346, 364f. months, names of Hindu solar, mentioned in Matanga, apparently a place where diamonds recorded dates : were found ............................................. 185 Avaņi ...............
..................1]6n. Mabondayê, described, 358:- Vasundhara,
Karttigai ............... .................. 339:- figures of, described .................. 249 Mina .............
138 Mathuri, the modern Muttra' .............170, 185 Phâlguna ........
.... 107 Mathuraka, the people of Mathura ............ 185 months, names of Hindu luni-solar, men, Matrishika, a doubtful name of a people....... 185 tioned in recorded dates:Matsya, a people ........
185 Dhanus .............. ............... ... 137 Maulika, a people
Karkataka ......................................... 137f. Méghavat, a mountain .....
Khumbha ...............
**********............... 136 Mêkala, a mountain ...................................
Makara .........
137 Méru mountain .........................................
185 Mêsba ...........
.............. 186