..... 193
193 193
192 192 141 319 192
of his death, 98:-origin of his name, 265:- vanaugha, 'the collection of forests' .......... 193 was a popular exponent of philosophy, 227; Vågavag, a Chêra title, 65:--Nedufijeliyan his system of philosophy was Vedantic, 126;
Pandya ................................. . ......... 65 point in his teaching, 2584.;. on karma, Vanavasi, the modern Banawasi................ 192 226ff. :- his twelve great works, 123; a list Vanga, and Vanga, a country, and the people of his works, 122; list of his canonical of it ............ works, 129:- Legends and Traditions about Vånijjagâma=Lègaing in the Minbu District him, 264ff.:- his predecessors ............... 265 of Burma ........
............... 6, 160 Tumbavana, a forest ...........
192 Varaguņa - Pandya, his victory over the turagdnana, horse-faced people' .............. Chôļas ...........
Vardhamihira; the topographical list of his
Brihat-Sanhita..............................169 to 196 udayagiri, 'the mountain of sunrise' ......
Vardhamana, a city or country .................. 193 Uddehika, a people ..............................
Vas&ti, a place ............... Udétarit = Shwêdaung .........
vassa, day of commencing the, quoted .......
Vasudhårá, see Vasundhari.......................... 358 Uatchya, the people of the north ........... Udra, the modern Orissa ............
Vasumat, a mountain ................................. 193 Udumbara country and people ........... 170,
Vasundhari, see Mabondaye ..................... 358 Ujjayani, Ujjain ...........
vasuvana, 'the forest of Vasus or spirits' ... Ujjihana, a people ...............
Vaţadhana, a people .........
............ ala, a Tamil metrical history ......
Vatsa, a people ..........
193 Unchhatri Part ....
Vattagamaņi-Abbaya, king of Ceylon ....... Upajyotisha, a people ..........
Vedasmriti, a river ...................................... 193 wpasampadd ordination discussed, 88:-cere.
Vellor, battle of ........................................ mony of, 13; importance of .....................50ff.
Velldra, the modern Ellors ......... ......182, 193 Upavanga, a country.................................. 192
Vên Vilinam-Vilinjam in Travancore ...... upusatha, ceremony of, 13;- in Pegu, the
Venâ, a river ...............
************............. 193 first orthodox, 85; an ancient break in the
Vênumati, a river ....................................... 193 performance............
Vetravati, a river ...................................... 193 ardhvakantha, 'high-throated people' .........
Vidâganamahâthêra, a Sinhalese priest (Bud. Usinara, a people ................... ...............
dhist) ....................... Utkala, a people ......................................
Vidarbha, a country ................................... 193 Uttara-Kuru country ............................. 171
Vidêha, a country .......
193 Uttara, see Sona............................................
13 Vidiśå, a town or river ........... Uttarajivamahathêra, Preceptor of Andra
Vidyadhara, a class of supernatural beings... 193 tha, 17; visits Ceylon .......
Vijayabahu of Ceylon ............................ 40 uttardpatha, a name for Northern India ...... 192
Vijayanagara kings conquer the Påndyas ... 16 Vikramabâhu of Ceylon, his wars with the Påndyas ............
****.. 60
Vikrama-Chola, manuscript account of ......... 141 Vadavamukha, a place .......... ........... 192 Vikramaditya VI. (Western Chalukya); some Vaddavara, the name of a week-day, probably dates in his era ........................... 296, 297, 298
Saturday ........................................ 251, 252 Vikrama-kala ; see Chalukya-Vikrama-kala... 296 Vählika, and Vahlika, a country
192 | Vikrama-Pandya= Lankėśvara.................. 60 Vaidarbha, the people of Vidarbha ....... 192 | Vikrama-Pandya, vassal of Kulottunga. Vaideha, the people of Vidêha .................. 192 Chôda 60:- mentioned in inscriptions...... vaidúrya, 'the beryl-mines' ........... 192 Vindhya mountains Vairisimha Paramira = Vairisimha II. ...... 80 Vinnam, battle of ............ Vaishnava, supposed, sculptures from Burma, Vipâśá, a river .......................................
337ff., 359f. Vira-Kerala, Pandya king ......................... Vaisya caste ............
.............. 192 Vira-Kesarin, son of Srivallabha, contempoVajrakAlika, see Mabondayê ..................... 358 rary of Rajadhirajadêva ........................... Vajravärahi, see Ma bôndayê ..................... 358 Vira-Pandya, vassal of Kulottunga-Choda, Valligama in Ceylon .............................. 42, 44
60 :- his contests with Aditya-KarikalaVallúra; see Velldra................................. 193
Chola, 60:- mentioned in inscriptions...... 61 Vandgya-Sandfpani, of Tul's Das, an ac. Vira-Rajendradeva I. =K0-Raju Kesari.
count of the .............................................197ff. vaman ........