Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 22
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 429
________________ *********** .... 175 Chaidya, the people of Chêdi Chalukya-Vikrama-kala, the era of the Western Chalukya king Vikramaditya VI.; examination of some dates in it...296, 297, 298 Chalukyas, a conquest of the..... 59 Champa, Seniya, king of, legendary account of his sons Champâ, a town or country................ 175 Champâ Bhagalpur 295 Champûka; see Chañchûka..... ......................... 175 Chamundarâja Paramâra, inscription of, and *****..................... 21. ....................................... *********** *************** 80 his pedigree Chauchaka, a people 175 Chandan Pari...................................................................... 318 Chandapa Paramâra Chandi Pari 80 324 817 Chandra (fem.), the Moon in a folktale Chandraohaga river ************ ........................................ 176 Chandrapura, a city 170 Chandrapura, the inhabitants of Chandrapura. 176. charmadeipa, the island of bark' ............ 176 Charmaranga, a people........ 176 charms string again the evil eye......... 56 Chârudêvi, apparently a town or country 176 Chêdi country.... ........... 171, 176 ***********... 176 ************** ************************* ..............................********........................ ****** ********************* *******...... ************ Chêdika, the people of Chêdi Chêra country........... 171 Cheras, their connection with the Pandyas... 59 Cherya, the people of the Chêra country 176 Chhai, a pargana in Bengal 295 Chhapata, a village in Kusimaraṭṭha 29 Chhapaṭamahâthôra, 29 ff.: visits Ceylon. 29 China, a people 176 China Bhamo...... Chinadosa Bhamo and neighbourhood, 41:the Maharaja of, constructs a Buddhist cave at Negapatam Chinaraṭṭhe, district of ehipiṭanasika, flat-nosed people' chiranivasana, wearers of bark' *********.... Chitraduta, Râmâdhipati's emissary Ceylon Chitrakata, the modern Chitrakôt or Chatarkot...................................................... 176 Chôla country............................................. ...... Cholas, a MS. genealogy of the, 141 ff. a 176 ..... list of their vassals, 143: their connection with the Pandyas, 59: an account of their wars.......... ........................................................... 148ff. Cinderella, variant of 306ff. cocoa-nuts, the island of 176 coins, of the Pandyas, 61: copper, of Raja ************** .. raja, 60: Danish, at Tranquebar .........117ff. conch-shells, the places for obtaining ......... 176 Convocation, the First Buddhist, alluded to, 16: the Second Buddhist, alluded to, 16: the Third Buddhist, alluded to............... ...... ********* ...... **********....................................... ***************** INDEX. ***************** ..............................***** to 45 4 176 176 41 16 869 *************** corpse-light in folktales Cosmin = Bassein co-wives, mutual relations of, as exhibited in Indian folktales....... ............. 218 curing heroine to marry her in folktales...... 78f. ................................................. 291 18 Dådhiya, king of the Damilas (90 B. C.)...... Dagon, changes of the word, 19 n.:= dúgaba, 27: see Shwedagon.......... Dagong = Dagôn *********** *************** 39 Dagoon Dagon Dakkhina-vihåra of Ceylon, the dakshinapatha, a name for Southern India... 176 Dala mentioned in the Kalyani Inscriptions. 32 Dalanagara Dala **************** 32 ......................................... 176 80 ......327ff., 331ff. 176 Dâmara, or Dâmara, a people Dambarasimha Paramâra D'ammatha Caves, described Dandaka, a country or people.... Dandakavana forest............................ 176 Dandapingalaka, a people ...................................... 176 Dângyidaung Hill, opposite Prome, legend of M......................................... *************** .......................................... ************... 39 160 116. ......... 176 176 176 176 27 27 27 ***************** ***************** ..............................** *************** ********* ************ Dansborg Fort at Tranquebar....... Danturaka, a people Darada, a people.......... Dardura, a mountain. Dârva, a people Dâsamêya, a people 176 Dasapura, the modern Mandasor 176 Daśârna, or Dâsârna, a people .................. 176 Dasêraka, or Dâśêraka, a people.176, 177 date: of establishment of Buddhism in Burma, 17:- Burmese Era, instances of, in inscriptions, 2, 5-importance of the, in the Kalyani Inscriptions, 11: South Indian, discussed, 136 f.: some that do not work satisfactorily............... ...... 110f. dates calculated...80, 81, 90ff., 94, 95f., 107, 219f. Daulatâbâd is not Hiuen Tsiang's unnamed capital of Maharashtra........ Days of the week mentioned in recorded. dates: ************** 113 Sunday....... ......42, 43, 97 Monday...5, 42, 46, 52, 137, 138 Tuesday..... 46, 90, 138, 219 Wednesday...5, 43, 44 (thrice), 45, 46, 137, 138, 219 Thursday ....., 46, 94, 95, 136 Friday ................................................. 44, 46, 116n. Saturday....... 2, 5, 4, 49, 138, 219, 220 Days of the week, names of them as used in recorded dates: ********* Guru (Thursday) ..82, 108 109 Ravi (Sunday).................................... Soma (Monday) *****............................................. 109 Sukra (Friday)... ...................... ..80, 81, 83, 108


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