JULY, 1898.)
northern Kurus (uttaráh Kuravah) as a between the river Mali and the Koukan people in the northern division (xiv. 24; (Ind. Ant. Vol. V. p. 1-45). It is mentioned here Kern translates by “the Hyperbo- in one of the Bandasör inscriptions (Gupta reans"). It is doubtless in connection with Inscriptions, p. 84), in the Aiholo inscrip(1) only, that we have to take Albêrûni's tion of Palikasin II. (Inl. Ant. Vol. VIII. remark “Kuru = Tânêshar," and Kern's p. 244), in one of the Ajantil inscriptions note on his translation of xvi. 32, in which (Archæol. Surv. IVest, Inul. Vol. IV. p. 127), he specifies Kurukshetra as being "the and in various later records. country about Thânêsar (Skr. Sthânvis Lauhitya (the river Bralumaputra), in the var.)” There are the following miscella- eastern division, siv. 6; mise, rof., xvi. 16. neous references; the Kurus, v. 383; xxxii. In a note to his translation Kern adds that 11; - the people of Kuru-land (Kurukshe- one MS. of the commentary has Lökiti traka), v. 78; (Kurabhiimi-ja) xvi. 32; - the nadal; and another Lauhito nailah. The lord of Kuru-land (Kurukshetr-adhipa), xi. form Lauhitya' occurs in the Mandasôr 57; - the forest, or wild, or uninhabited, inscription of Yaśôdharman (Gupta Inscriplands of Kura (Kuru-jáigala), ix, 29. See tions, p. 148); and the form "Lôhitya' in also Kaurava.' The land of the northern the Aphsad inscription of Adityasena (ul. Kurus is mentioned in the Udayagiri Jain
p. 206). inscription (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 260). lions; the forest of the man-lions (nsisihaKusuma, a mountain in the sonthern division, tana), in the north-west division, xiv. 22. xir. 14.
Madhyadêsa, the middle country: the tribes, Laba, v.l. for Hala, q. v.
&c., contained in it, xiv. 2, 3, 4; misc. ref., Labada, a country in the north-west division, 1 v. 78, 90; viii. 46; x. 5; xiv. 1; xvii. 19, 20,
xiv. 22. There are the various readings of 22; xviii. 4; xlvii. 7. The country is perLahara, Ladaha, and Kalaha. In his trans- haps mentioned in the Sârnâth inscription of lation, Kern gives " Lahada (or Ladaha)." Prakatiditya (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 286). And he adds the note this seems to be Madhyamika, a people in the middle country, Lahara, so frequently mentioned in the Rája. xiv. 2. tarangini, e.g. vii. 912, 1373 (Láhara, “Laha- Madra, & people in the north-west division. rian," 1173). It is a border-land between 1 xiv. 22; misc. ref., iv. 22; v. 40 ; 1. 4; xvii. Kashmir and Dardistân; to this identifica- 18; xxxii. 19; the lord of the Madras tion of Lahara and Lahaula, it will not be (Badr-ésa), misc. ref., xiv. 33. See also objected that our author, committing the Madraka. grave blunder of placing Kashmir and Madraka, a people in the northern division, Dardistân in the North-east, should needs siv. 27;- the lord of the Madrakas (Madhave assigned a wrong situation to Lahada raka-pati) misc. ref., xi. 59. See also too."
Madra. A tribe named Madraka is menLanka, in the southern division, xiv. 11. As tioned as subjugated by Samudragupta
Simbala is mentioned in the same passage, (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 14). xiv. 15, Lanka would seem to denote here, Magadha, a country, and the people of it, in not the island of Ceylon, but its capital the eastern division, xiv. 6; misc. ref., iv. city, which it was perhaps thought necessary 22, 26; v. 69, 79; X. 14 ; xvi. 1; xxxii. 11;to mention separately, because it provides i the lord of Magadha (Magadk-ésa), misc. the Hindu prime meridian. Albêrûni says ref., X. 16;- the ruler of Magadha (Magadh“Lanka, ie, the cupola of the earth." The adhipa), misc. ref., xi. 55. See also MÂgaisland of Lanka is mentioned in the Bodh- dhika.' In iv. 26, Kern translates Magadhán Gaya inscription of Mahanaman (Gupta (accus. plur.) by " Behar." Inscriptions, pp. 277, 278).
Mâgadhika, the people of Magadha, q. v.; miso, Låta, a country, misc. ref., lxix 11. It corre- ref., xiv. 32.
sponds to what might now be called central Mahậnadi, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 10. It is and southern Gujarat, - to the country mentioned in the Såmangad grant of Danti