Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 22
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 130
________________ 112 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. and the corresponding date is Thursday, the 14th January, A. D. 1692. The Jovian year Vrisha which is quoted in the date ended, by the Surya- siddhanta rule without bija, on the 24th January. A. D. 1692. Göttingen. F. KIELHORN. NOTES AND QUERIES. MUSSELWOMAN. intended for Oriental readers, perpetrate, by what It may be assumed that most writers on Orien. the late Sir Henry Yule has styled "the process of tal subjects know that the termination man in the Hobson-Jobson," the astounding error of Musselword Musalman has no connection with the Eng. woman. Here is the passage. The Overland lish termination man in such words as "English- Mail of Feb. 10, 1893, p. 47: "It is now reported man," "Frenchman," etc. Indeed, no English that the lady has resolved to be converted' and writer would make such a mistake, in even become a Musselwoman and dame of the harem, purely English words, as to concoct Gerwoman which will secure the presumptive heirship to and Germen, or Burrooman and Burmen, out of the throne for her son." This passage occurs in German and Burman. But a writer has at last the course of an ill-natured bit of gossip about the heen found, who can, in a publication professedly "Khedive" 'Abbâs Pasha. R. O. TEMPLE BOOK NOTICE. DIE HANDSCHRIFTEN-VERZEICHNISSE DER KÖNIG- Dr. Weber's preface gives an account of its LICHEN BIBLIOTHEK ZU BERLIN. Fünfter Band. growth, and renders due acknowledgment to the Verzeichniss der Sanskrit- und Prakrit Handseriften Government of Bombay, for allowing Dr. Bühler von A. WEBER. Zweiter Band. Dritte Abtheilung. to send to Berlin at intervals a nearly complete Berlin, A. Asher & Co. 1892. 4to. pp. i.-IIvii. series of the texts of Svetambara Siddhanta, to. 8:29-1363, with five plates. The second section of the second volume of gether with many other important Jaina works. It Prof. Weber's great catalogue of the Berlin was this collection which formed the basis of the MSS. appeared in 1888, and the preface to this, author's essays on the sacred literature of that the third and concluding section, is dated June community, a translation of which has been 1891, the book being published in the course of lately appearing in this Journal. The Library 1892. It is a privilege, which I value, to be able is also indebted to Prof. Garbe, who during his to congratulate him on the successful completion brief stay in India of a year and a hall, sent home of his most valuable work. nearly three hundred MSS. on various subjects. The present section deals mainly with Jaina The work is printed with the care and accuracy, literature not included in the Siddhinta. This which has distinguished the preceding sections occupies pp. 829-1136. It is followed (pp. 1139- of this volume, and Dr. Weber warmly acknow. 1202) by a catalogue of further MSS. (principally ledges the assistance rendered to him by Drs. Brahmanical) added to the library between 1886 Leumann and Klatt in realing the proofs. This and 1889, and some fourteen pages of addenda et accuracy has not been attained without cost, and corrigenda. Then we have the indexes (admirably all scholars will sincerely regret that, as the prepared) so necessary in a work of this kind, author remarks, a good portion of his eyesight such as indexes of the names of the writers of lies buried in the pages before us. the MSS., their relations and pa.. uns; of the The preface contains an interesting note on names of works; of the authors, their works, the peculiarities of Jaina MSS., too long to quote relations and patrons; and of all matters or here, but which is well worth the perasal of any names dealt with or referred to in the catalogue. person commencing the study of this class of An interesting list of the dates of the MSS. in work. They are specially distinguished by the chronological order is also given, from which we neatness and accuracy with which they are learn that the oldest MS. (a commentary on the written, equalled only, in Brahmanical works, by Ullarddhyayanasitra) in the collection is dated MSS. of Vedic literature. The collection, as the V. 8. 1307, and that the next oldest (the Kalpa- professor points out, is rich in narrative literature, chúrni) V. 8. 1334. A facsimile of a leaf of the affording a plenteous and almost unexplored former is given amongst the illustrations. mine of Indian folktales, and containing not Altogether 901 MSS. are described in the 1202 infrequent references to things which connect pages of the three parts of this second volume. India with the western world. Of these, no less than 787 pages are devoted to Again congratulating Dr. Weber on the comthe 259 Jains MSS. which form perhaps the most pletion of this striking monument of erudition complete and interesting part of the whole of combined with patient labour, I bring this note this division of the library. to a close. G. A. G. 1 For a notice of the first section, see ante, Vol. XVI. page 316, and of the second section, anto, Vol. XVIII, page 96.


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