Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 22
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 170
________________ 150 TIE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE 1993. ------------- on their head in tangled knots; and the Adigan, who cut down the armies of Northern Kalinga and routed the king of Oddiyam; and Vallabhan, the munificent Nulamban, who, riding a rutting elephant, conquered Kottaru belonging to the Minavar (Pandyas), and Kollar; and Tirigattan of the red-trunked elephant, who overthrew Kongu which is defended by mountains, and knocked down the crags of Kudagu ; and after him came the Vallavan, Kobulan, Magadan, Maluvan, Villavan, Keralan, Minavan and Pallavan. Surrounded in this manner in front and on both sides by great kings and chiefs without number, he approached the street where live the fair women whose polished bracelets sparkle with many genis and brilliant diamonds. A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS OF DHAMMACHETL 1476 A. D. BY TAW SEIN KO. (Continued from poge 89.) TEXT. Obverse face of the First Stone. Namo tassa bhagavató arahato san musambuildhassa. Siddhá bhavantu Jinacak kavarâbhivaddhiyo siddham Buddhassa namo. Rāmannadēsapatibhū-Bāmādhipatinā kata Jinasāsanasathyuddhi tam pavatti kathiyatë. Rāmavadesa patibhū-Rāmādhipatirāja-kālo Jinasasanassa suddbi. Sakyamunino Sammāsambuddhassa parinibbānato dvinnan Vassagatānam upars atthuragamo vassē vitivattē Dhammāsökarājā abhisēkam pāpuni. Tato catutthā vassē Nigrodhasāmaņēram paticca Buddhasāga nē sajātā 'tiviya pasādēna bhikkhunam läbhasakkārā vēpullam agamasi; titthiyānam parihãyi. Atha titthiyā läbhasa kkāram patthayamīnā kēci bhikkhusu pabbajjitvi upasampajjitva sakāni sakāni Sassatadini ditthigatāni pakūsēnti. Kēci pana sayam ova pabbajjitva bhikkhu. vesan gahatva sak ni sakani đitchigatăni pakāsīnti. Te sabba ni uposatlaidis aughakanian karontānam bhikkūnam antaram pavisitvā nisidanti. Tuna parisă asuddhati saighū upü satharis na karoti. Tato Asõkārāmā sattavassāni upõsatho pacchijji. Taṁ paticca rājā Dhammāsāko sāsan'-appanna-mala-kantaka-'bbadâpaharanina sasanat södhetukämö Möggaliputtatissa mahāthīram upanissayam katvā, Vibhajja vüdi Sammisambuddho. sassatādivā lino titthiyati samayam uggahetva, sabbe bhikkhū sannipätāpetvā samānaladdhike ēkatū vasāpatvā, tato ēk 'ēkar niharitvā; kimvādi Sammāsambuddho ti? vutte Vibhajjavādi Sammāsambuddho ti vadantā sãganikabhikkhu satthisatasahassā ahēsum; Sassatadivādi Sammisambuddho ti vadantā pana titthiyabhūtā pāpabhikkhū satthisahassa ahēsun. Atha rājā tē sabba pi satthisahassó papabhikkhū uppabbājētva, "parisuddhā dāni parisa, karotu sanghö uposathakamman ti" vatvā nagaram pavisi. Tato Moggaliputtatissamahāthõro Asökārāmē tõhi sabbēhi satthisatasa hasschi bhikkhühi saddhim upõsatham akāsi. Tad avasānē sankhēpēna Bhagavatā desitam Kathāvatthu-pekaranam Bhagavatā dindanayē thatvā vitthārētvā dēsisi. Tato param yathā 'yasınā Mahākassapathērõ chalâbhionācatupațisambhidāpattē pañcasatamattē khiņisavabhikkhū uccinitvå sattamāsam Pathamasangitim akāsi; yathā c 'äyasma Mahāyasathēro chalâbhinnā. catupațisambhidapattē sattasatamattē khiņasavabhikkū uccinitvā atthamāsam Dutiyasangitim akāsi; evam chalabhiññācatnpatisambhidāpattē bahassamattē khiņibavabhikku riccinitvā navamāsam Tatiyasangitim akāsi. Sangitikaranâvasänē pana anagatē sāsanam paccantarat. thēsu patiţthahissàtîti viditvå "tosu tēsu rathësu sāsanam patitthäpöthiti" të të Majjhantika 1 Throughout this text is represented by co by oh: the diacritical sign representa sandhi: the sigu-represents a long vowel.


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