JULY, 1893.]
kas, Gandakas, Karvațas, Kaušalakas, Khasas, The south-west division includes (xvi. Paundras, Pragjyotishas, Suhmas, Tâmaliptikas, 17, 18, 19) the great ocean (mahirnava), and and Utkalas; also the cannibals (purushada), Vadavâmukha ;the horse-faced people (asvavadana), the one the Ânarta, Dravida, Kamboja), Paragava, footed people (ékapada), the people with ears shaped like a sickle (óúrpukarna), and the tiger- the mountains Hômagiri, Phênagiri, and faced people (vyághramukha).
(Rêvataka);The south-east division includes (xiv. ,
the river (or country) Sindhu ;9, 10) Hêmakûndya, the islands of bark, of
and the following tribes or pooples; the bulls, andof cocoanuts, Kantakasthala, Kish
Abhiras, Ambasbthas, Aravas, Badaras, kindha, and Tripuri;--
Barbaras, Chanchûkas, Kalakas, Kapilas, the Andhra, Anga, [Chêdi], Kalinga, Kobala,
Karnapravêyas, Khandas, Kirktas, Makaras,
Pahlavas, Raivatakas, Sindhu-Sauviras, Upavanga, Vanga, and Vidarbha countries;
Sudras, and Yavanas; also the eaters of (raw) the Vindhya mountains;
flesh (kravyásin), and the people with the and the following tribes or peoples; the
faces of women (nárímulsha). Chêdikas, Daśârņas, Jatharas, Maulikas (or "Saulikas), Nishadas, Purikas, Sabaras (specified The western division includes (xiv. 20, as the leaf-clad 'Sabarus and the naked 'Sabaras), 21) the region of gold (kanaka), and TaraSaulikas (or Maulikas), Smaśrudharas, and kshiti; Vatsas ; also the great-necked people (mahúgri
the Pañohanada and Ramatha countries ;vu), the high-throated people ardhvakantha),
the collection of forests (ranaugha); and the snake-necked people (vyalagriva). the mountains Astagiri, Kshurárpaņa,
The southern division includes (xiv. 11-16) | Manimat, Meghavat, and Prasasta; Akara, Atri's hermitage, [Avanti], Baladeva
and the following tribes or peoples; the pattana, the beryl-mines (vaidarya), Bharu
Aparantakas, Haihayas, Jsingas, Mlêchchhas, kachchha, Chitraķûta, (the places for obtaining)
Paratas, Sakas, Santikas, Vaisyas, and conch-sheils (sarkha), Dašapura, Dharmapat
Vokkâņas. tava, the elephants' glen (kunjaradari), Gana- The north-west division includes (xiv. rajya, Girinagara, the hermitages (tápasásrama), 22, 23) the kingdom of the amazons (strithe islands (dvipa), Kanchi, [Karmanêya], Kol- rújya); lagiri, Krauñchadvipa, Lanka, Maruchipattana,
the Asmaka, Kulûta, and Lahada or Ladaha Násikya, the southern ocean (ydmyodadhi), (the
countries; places for obtaining) pearls (mukta), Sinhala,
the forest of the man-lions (nrisimhaTalikata, Vanavasi, and Vellûra :
vana); the Chêra), Chola, Kachchha, Karpata, the rivers Garuhâ or Guruha, Phalgulaka, [Kerala], Konkana, and Tankana countries; and Vêņumati;
the Dandakavana and Tambavana forests, and the following tribes or peoples; the and the great forest (mahatava);
Charmarangas, Halas or Lahas, Madras, Månthe mountains Dardura, Kusuma, Mahên. davyas, Marakachchas, Sulikas (or Malikas), dra, Malaya, Malindya, Rishyamuka, and Talas, and Tukhâras; also the dwellers in the Sûrps ;
sky (khastha), the one-eyed people (@kapilóthe rivers Kåvêri, Krishna, Tâmraparņin, chana), the long-faced people (dirghásya), the and Vên ;
long-haired people (dirghakésa), and the people and the following tribes or peoples; the
with long-necks (darghagriva). Åbhiras, Aryakas, A vantakas, Bhadras, Chêr. yas, Gônardas, Kairalakas, KålAjinas, Kauka
The northern diivsion includes (xiv. 24-28) tas, Kirmaņêyakas, Kirnas, Phaņikaras, Pisi
Bhôgaprastha, the city of spirits (Chútapura), kas, Rishabhas, Rishikas, Sauris, and Sibikas:
[Pushkalâvati], [Takshásilk], Vasâti, and also, the mariners (várichara), the peoplo with
Yaśôvati; thick matted hair (jatádhara), and the eaters the Adarsa, Antardvipin, Gândhåra, (Málaof whales (timingildsana.)
| va], Trigarta, and (Uttara-Kurn) countries ,