APRIL, 1893.
Wednesday, the 6th October A. D. 1081; and remarks of Mr. L. Rice on the word vadda, ante, Saturday, the 14th October A. D. 1083.
Vol. VIII. p. 90, one would feel inclined to regard (11). A stone-tablet at Saundatti (Jour. Bo. that word as a synonym of mukhya or ddi, and As. Soc., Vol. X. p. 202) is dated in the 21st year,
to take Våddavdra as a name of Sunday. And in the Dhậtu samvatsara, on Sunday, the 13th of
favour of this it might be urged, not only, that in the dark half of Pushya, and the moment when
the date under discussion the 14th tithi put down the sun was commencing his progress to the
in the date did end on a Sunday, but also, that north. Here the year of the date should be Saka
the date of the Anamkond inscription of Rudra(21+997=) 1018 expired, as in the date No. 6,
déva (ante, Vol. XI. p. 12)-Saka-varshamulu above; but in Saka 1018 expired the 13th tithi of
1084 vunernti Chitrabhånd-samvatsara Magha su the dark half of the amdnta Pausha ended on
13 VaddavaramunArdu-undoubtedly correWednesday, the 14th January A. D. 1097, and
sponds to Sunday, the 20th January, A. D. 1163. the Uttarayana-sainkrinti took place on Wednes.
On the other hand, it might very properly be day, the 24th December A. D. 1096.
suggested that in the date under discussion the The Chalukya Vikrama era offers a compara
14th tithi had been wrongly quoted instead of tively far greater number of irregular dates than
the 13th,-a suggestion which would render it any other Hindu era. Here I will give only one
necessary to assign to Vaddavdra the meaning of more date which is of special interest on account
Saturday: and in support of this interpretation. of the doubtful meaning of the word employed
again, one might adduce the date of the Toragal to denote the week-day.
inscription, published ante, Vol. XII. p. 97,-Sa
(sa)ka-varshamn 1110neya Plavamga-samvatsarada (12). According to Dr. Fleet (Jour. Bo. As.
Pasya(shya) bahuļa 10 Vaddavárav=uttar yana. Soc., Vol. X. p. 297) a stone-tablet at Konur is
sam kramana-vyatfpåtadalu-, the proper equi. dated 'in the 12th year of the era of the prosper
valent of which without any doubt is Saturday, ous Châlukya Vikrama, being the Prabhaya
the 26th December, A. D. 1187. That Vaddardra sariwatsara, at the moment of the sun's com
must be either Saturday or Sunday (not, as was mencement of his progress to the north, on
suggested by the late Dr. Bhâu Daji, Wednesday Vaddavára, the fourteenth day of the dark fort
or Thursday) is certain, and in my opinion the night of Pausha.' The year of this date is Saka
chances are in favour of Sunday; but the dates (12+997=) 1009 expired, which was the year Pra
known to me are not sufficient to settle the ques. bhava; and in that year the 14th tithi of the dark
tion definitely. half of the amanta Pausha commenced 5 h. 6 m.
5.-Ante, Vol. XIX. p. 24, I have shewn that before and ended 18 h. 29 m. after mean sunrise of Sunday, the 26th December A. D. 1087, and
the word saka is occasionally employed in dates the Uttarayana-bankranti took place 1 h. 47 m. of the Vikrama era in the general sense of year.' before mean sunrise of Saturday, the 25th Decem
A clear instance of this usage occurs in the ber A. D. 1087. Now, that this is the Uttars. following verse which is found in a MS. of Gan. yana-sam kránti spoken of in the date, there can
gadhara Sarasvati's Svárdjyasiddhi:be no doubt; but according to ordinary rules the
Vasv-abdhi-muny-avani-måna-Bake Vpi
BhAkhya. tithi that should have been joined with the Samkrånti is the 13th, during which the Samkranti
varshasya Magha-sita-VAXpati-yukta. itself took place and which occupied about nine
Bhashthyám teen hours of Saturday, the 25th December, not
Gangadharendra-yatin Sivayoh pad&bje the 14th which is actually put down in the date.
bhakty=A[r]pita suksitir-asta Batam There is the further difficulty that we do not
sivaya 11 know what day of the week is meant by the word The year of this date is the Vikrama year (not, Vaddavdra of the date. Judging from the as has been assumed, the Saka year) 1748 expired,
. In the Jour. Beng. As. Soc., Vol. VII. p. 901, this of Magha. Here the corresponding dates would be, is translated by Sunday.'
for $. 1066 current = Rudhirôdgårin, Friday, the 4th • See Journal, Bo. As. Soc., Vol. X. p. 46.
February, A D. 1144; and for 8. 1066 expired, Tuesday, In addition to the above, I find in Pali, Sanskrit the 23rd January, A. D. 1145. and Old-Canarese Inscriptions the following dates No. 295, of the time of the Y&dara Ramachandra. - containing the word Yaddavdra: -
The twelfth year of his reign, the Svabhanu savivatsara No. 87. Saka 1156, the Jaya samvatsana, "Vad (Saka 1205); “Vaddarára," the fifth day of the bright d avára," the day of the full-moon of ... Vaisak ba." fortnight of PhAlguna. Here the corresponding dato, The corruaponding date would be Saturday, the 15th for 8. 1205 expired Subhanu, would be Wednesday April, A. D. 1231.
the 23rd Febroary, A. D. 1984 ; but for 8. 1206 expire No. 96. - Baka 1066, the Radbirôdgiri savavateara, 1 = Tarapa, Sunday, the 11th February, A.D. 1986. "Vaddavára," the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight