[APRIL, 1893.
4 h. 24 m. after mean sunrise of Sunday, the the sun on Sunday, the day of the new-moon 25th December A. D. 1082, and the Uttarayana- of (the month) Phâlguna of the Srimukha sanat. sankranti took place on the preceding day, sara which was the 18th of the years of the 13 h. 43 m. after mean sunrise.
glorious Chalukya Vikrama.' The corresponding (3). According to Dr. Fleet (ante, Vol. VIII. date, for the amdnta Phålguna of Saka (18+997=) p. 22) a stone-tablet at Alor records grants made
1015 expired, is Sunday, the 19th March A. D. at the time of the sun's commencing his
1094, when there was a solar eclipse, which was progress to the north, on Thursday, the twelfth
visible in India, at 5 h. 8 m. after mean sunrise. day of the bright fortnight of the month Pushya
The fact that this day belonged to the Jovian of the Prajapati samvatsara, which was the sis.
year Srimukha shows that that year did not teenth of the years of the glorious Chalukya king
commence (or end) on the 5th of the bright half Vikrama.' In Saka (16+997=) 1013 expired, the
of Phalguna; for, had such been the case, the year Prajapati, the 12th tithi of the bright hall
year Srimukha would have ended already on the of Pausha ended 12 h. 24 m. after mean sunrise of
22nd February A. D. 1094, and the Jovian year Thursday, the 25th December A. D. 1091, and
of the date would have been Bhåva. the Uttarayana-sankranti took place on the The following are some of the dates which do preceding day, 21 h. 36 m. after mean sunrise. not work out satisfactorily :
(4). A stone-tablet at Kiruvatti (ante, Vol. (8). An inscribed pillar at Araleswar (ante, VIII. p. 191, No. 20) is dated : Châ- Vi.-varishada Vol. VIII. p. 190, No. 4) is dated : ... Cha.. 24neya Pramathi-samvatsarada Jyêshtha-buddha Vi.-kalada Ineya Nala-samvatsarada Chaitra. paurnnarnna)misi Aditya-våra somagrahanad. bahula - parnchami - Mangalavara - Meshasamamdu. The corresponding date, for Saka kranti-vyatipâtad-amdu. The year of the date (24+997=) 1021 expired, the year Pramåthin, should be Saka (1+997=) 998 expired, but the date is Sunday, the 5th June A. D. 1099, when there does not work out properly either for that year was a lunar eclipse 16 h. 55 m. after mean or for the immediately preceding and following sunrise.
years. The 5th tithi of the dark half of the (5). A stone-tablet at Kargudari (ante, Vol. X.
amanta Chaitra of Saka 998 expired ended on p. 252) is dated : ... Cha - Vi.-varshada 33neya
Monday, the 28th March A.D. 1076, and the Sarvadhari-san vatsarada Herjjuggiya (i.e., Asvi. nearest Mesha-samkranti took place on Wed. na) punnami Bomavárad-andina. The corre- nesday, the 23rd March A. D. 1076. For Saka sponding date, for Saka (33+997=) 1030 expired, 997 expired the corresponding dates are Wed. the year Sarvadhirin, is Monday, the 21st Desday, the 8th April, and Tuesday, the 24th September A.D. 1108, when the full-moon tithi March, A. D. 1075; and for Saka 999 expired, ended 21 h. 36 m. after mean sunrise.
Friday, the 17th March, and Thursday, the 23rd The two following dates, taken together, prore
March, A. D. 1077. that the Jovinn years quoted in them commenced (9). A stone-tablet at Wadagêri (ib. No. 5) is on the first day of the bright half of the lunar dated (on the anniversary of Vikramaditya's coroChaitra, not at the time of the Mesha-sankranti, nation): ... Cha - Vi..varsha-prathama-Nalanor on the 5th day of the bright half of Phalguna, -sar vatsarada Phålguņa-śuddha-panchami-Bri. the anniversary of the accession of the founder of (bpi)haspativ&rad-aridu. The year of the the era.
date should again be Saka (1+997=) 998 expired: (6). An inscription at Kottagôri (ante, Vol. VI.
but the equivalents of the date both for that year p. 138) is dated : ... Cha Vi.-varshnda 21neya
and for the immediately preceding and following Dhatu samvatsarada Chaitra su (su)ddha 5 Adit
years are Tuesday, the 31st January A. D. 1077; yavarad-andu. The corresponding date, for
Friday, the 12th February A. D. 1076; and Saka (21+997=) 1018 expired, is Sunday, the 2nd
Monday, the 19th February A. D. 1078. March A. D. 1096, when the 5th tithi of the (10). The Tidgundi copper-plate grant of bright half ended 1 h. 12 m. after mean sunrise. Vikramaditya VI. (ante, Vol. I. p. 81) is dated : As the Mesha-sankrinti did not take place till
sri-Vikrama-kala-samvatsaréshu shatsu atitéshu the 23rd Mnrch, A.D. 1096, the date shows that
saptamê Dundubhi-samvatsaré pravarttamine the Jovian year Dhâtsi to which the date belonged tasya Karttika-su śuddha-pratipad- Adivaré. commenced before the beginning of the solar
Here the year of the date should be Saka (7+997=) Saka year 1018 expired, and did not coincide with 1004 expired, as if the date No. 2, above; but the solar year.
the equivalents of the date both for that year 17). A stone-tablet of Balagâmve (ante, Vol. V. and for the immediately preceding and following p. 34) is dated on the occasion of an eclipse of years are Tuesday, the 25th October A. D. 1082