MAY, 1893.]
No. 26. Copper; four cash. Weight, 39 grains. (W. 2855.)
Obv. Same as No. 18.
Rev. Same as No. 24, but VI instead of IV through a mistake of the engraver of the die. On the three specimens which have passed through my hands, the date is cut away; Weyl's specimen has [17]82.
No. 27. Copper; ten cash, later type. Weight, 98 grains. (N. 20689-92; W. 2854 and 57; R. 13.)
Obv. Same as No. 18. X.
Rev. KAS
The latest date is 1790.
(A. D. 1808 to 1839.)
No. 28. Copper; one cash. Weight, 9 grains. (N. 20730.) Obv. FR (i.e. Fridericus Rex), linked and crowned; VI below. I. Rev. KAS [181[9]
No. 29. Copper; four cash. Average weight, 38 grains. (N. 20714-29; W. 2871 ff.; R. 18.) Obv. Same as No. 28.
· IV. Rev. KAS
On some of the coins of the year 1817, the S of KAS is reversed through a mistake of the engraver of the die. The latest date is 1839. As remarked by Messrs. Ranga Chari and Desika Chari, p. 9, Frederick VI. did not strike any coins at Tranquebar during the earlier portion of his reign between the years 1808 and 1814, as the Indian colonies of Denmark were then in the temporary possession of the English.
No. 30.
Copper; ten cash. Average weight, 94 grains. (N. 20709-13; W. 2868 and 82; R. 17.)
Obv. Same as No. 28.
Rev. KAS
The latest date is 1839.
IX. CHRISTIAN THE EIGHTH. (A. D. 1839 to 1848.)
No. 31. Copper; four cash. Average weight, 39 grains. (N. 20732-37; W. 2884-89; R. 20.) Obv. CR (i.c. Christianus Rex), linked and crowned; VIII below: IV. Rev. KAS 184[1]