Dadashri: Yes, he will do that too, still it is not a tragu. It is shamelessness and open blackmail (naagai). You can deal with shameless people and even win but dealing with those who do tragu will make you bypass the subhuman life form and go directly into hell. Lawyers say shameless things and so do their clients. The client may say, 'Sir I have paid your fees. I have not forgotten to pay. Infact you were standing with several people when I paid you.' Now what can the lawyer do when one counter attacks him in this way? What can the lawyer do, after all he is human too!
Dealing with taipho
One woman started a tragu when one of my relative was visiting me. He got very scared and told her, 'Hey, hey! You should not do that.' I told him, 'No, let her act up. Let us have our tea and you can watch her. It is something to watch. It is great!' The woman stopped immediately when I said this and asked me 'Are you are doing my taipho (exposing me)?' I told her, 'You are doing a taipho, so we have to see the taipho, don't we? What else can we see?'
Questioner: If we use the word taipho to the one doing a taipho, then we will get double the beating.
Dadashri: In that is the case then you should not use the word taipho. You should take it a little slow at first. I too took things very slowly at first, and then I became more stern. I tightened the screw as she started to say more unwarranted things and so she mellowed down later.
People can be saved from a taipho but not from tragu. Many people have been destroyed because of tragu. Even some men do tragu.
Tragu for salvation of the world
A person does tragu when he cannot have his way. Anything done to make others do things your way, is a tragu. To achieve one's will and desired result, when one resorts to whatever it takes, including scare tactics is all tragu. Throwing things, creating a commotion, open fighting and beating, is all tragu. The one who is meek and mild will get scared very easily and give in.