Dadashri: In this Vignan you can get your sons and daughters married, that is you can carry on with your worldly life and celebrate everything. Nothing will hinder You because it is all relative and You are in a state of laghuttam. So go ahead and celebrate with as much pomp as you want because where does your khumari lie? It lies in the state of laghuttam. Those who have the khumari of guruttam have problems but the khumari of laghuttam will remain for sure.
To attain the Self is verily the guruttam
When one becomes laghuttam, the Self is guruttam. So there is no need to make the atma, the self guruttam. It is necessary for you to become laghuttam.
Questioner: If one become laghuttam then the soul, the self will become guruttam, but the Soul, the Self by nature is agurulaghu neither heavy nor light.
Dadahri: It is agurulaghu but that is a different perspective. What does guruttam mean? It means to proceed towards the state of the agurulaghu. That is guruttam.
Questioner: But it is agurulaghu in the real, is it not?
Dadashri: Now that is different. Its absolute state attribute is agurulaghu and in the worldly interaction vyavahaar when it becomes laghuttam, then guruttam is the state in the real. I easily remain laghuttam in the relative and the Self within is guruttam all the way.
Test examination of the laghuttam
Questioner: Give us an example of You having become laghuttam in the relative realm.
Dadashri: For the example, 'we' am verily the open, talking Upanishad, no? 'We' are the talking Puraan, are 'we' not?!