Questioner: Of course I do, but I get nowhere!
Dadashri: But it does stop, does it not?
Questioner: Then it stops.
Dadashri: Now when the worrying stops, is it because you have recovered the loss you incurred and the phase of worrying ends or is the loss still there and the phase of worrying just comes to an end? Say, this is triggered by a loss of five hundred rupees, that you incurred. The worrying may go on for twelve hours or two days but it will eventually come to an end. So does the worrying stop after the amount of loss is recovered or does it stop even when that loss is still there?
Questioner: The loss remains the same.
Dadashri: Then what is the point of stopping the worrying? Should you not continue to worry until you recover the loss?
Questioner: But the worrying starts again on its own and it stops on its own.
Dadashri: When it stops, you should say, 'Why have you stopped when the loss has not been recovered? Come back.'
There is no problem of thinking about the business loss, but it is only worth thinking about it to the point where you sustain no personal inner loss. Otherwise if the worrying and suspicion stops on its own and even if the loss is still at hand, then there is no point of worrying about it. It is best to stop worrying, right from the beginning.
People tend to forget all the phases. As they proceed forward, they forget the past. 'We do not forget even for a second, even if the incident occured some forty years ago. But people forget. It is better to forget before nature forces you to do so. It is fruition of karma that reminds you and it is also fruition of karma that makes you forget. So 'You should pat your relative self on the back and tell your relative-self, Chandulal, 'what is 'is' and what is 'is not' is not', nothing is going to change that which is in vyavasthit.