Dadashri: Swamaan is not necessary after Gnan if you have taken Gnan. Otherwise, one should maintain swamaan in the state of ignorance of the Self. If a person does not have swamaan, he will become callous. Once he becomes callous and useless, he crosses the boundary.
Questioner: But is there a part of the ego in swamaan?
Dadashri: Let it be, there is ego there for sure but still he will not become useless and offensive. Swamaan maintains boundary of human interaction. Therefore, he will never cross the boundary. Therefore swamaan is needed even in worldly interaction in the absence of Self-realization.
Questioner: Now everyone has his swamaan. So should we not at least keep our swamaan?
Dadashri: Why should You maintain your swamaan now that You have attained this Gnan? Now there is no swamaan.
Questioner: But under certain circumstances if something happens, should we not maintain our swamaan?
Dadashri: But now we all have nothing to do with swamaan. Pride and limits of pride are all gone. It is like this, if the 'swa' has not changed, then one must maintain swamaan. Chandulal has to maintain his boundaries swamaan, not You. Now the 'swa meaning the self has changed. The self is no longer Chandulal. You are the Self. Do you understand this?
Questioner: But should one not keep a dramatic' swamaan?
Dadashri: That will be there. Whatever there is, it is good. But there is no need to keep swamaan.. Why would you want to start such a new business?
Swamaan means 'I am Chandulal' and to maintain the boundary of that pride and respect. But that is as long as you are 'Chandulal', and now that You are a Shuddhatma, where is the need for such a discussion? After this Gnan one has become the Self. Then where is the place for swamaan? Swamaan is the pride of 'I am Chandulal; I am the body'. But now that "You are the 'Self', there does not remain any swamaan. Whatever