they will stop after they get hurt. They cannot deal with that. You will get hurt so get involved only if you have the energy and the strength to take the punishment!
Questioner: As it is, the beating is inevitable. Why ruin our spiritual progress by getting hurt, instead why not try to improve things for our own inner growth?
Dadashri: Because the Self within undetsands, 'He called me a donkey! He called me names', these are the results of the welding. The Self also recognizes that 'he'(the welder) is trying to patch things up. So then, one has come towards the Self and in the relative realm pudgal there is the beating.
Questioner: But there is nothing wrong in it if it increases vairagya - dispassion in this manner.
Dadashri: Yes the vairagya will increase tremendously but what will happen if you start to dislike abhaav the other person? What happens if the ego arises, 'I tried to help those people but look how they turned out! So what will happen if you start to detest abhaav them?
Questioner: That is another hole. Instead of this hole, that is another
Dadashri: One will dig another hole. 'We did eneter into that hole depite the huge ego. 'We did not have any negative feelings towards anyone, even when while experiencing difficulties.
Insight of welding from the beginning
Questioner: How did you weld? How did you manage not to let the ego arise, remain unaffected in the beating, and the welding be accomplished?
Dadashri: It must be that kind of ego.
Questioner: How can we do the same, now that we have Gnan?