again. The one who does not make intense mental notes, will not have to come back to the worldly life.
Questioner: Is the intense mental note made first and then the opinion the verbal expression of it?
Dadashri: Once a note is made it all falls on the side of the non-Selfthe pudgal. The non-Self side starts working and the other side the Self comes to a halt. The Self is not to be found there.
Questioner: So when we make notes nondha, is there an opinion
Dadashri: There is no problem with an opinion. It is not as harmful. Opinion creates a new mind. The harm is entirely in making intense mental notes.
Questioner: Please explain the difference between opinions and at intense mental note, in detail.
Dadashri: There is no problem if a little of an opinion, remains but there should not be even a fraction of a nondha. Nondha means the non-Self pudgal; Nondha is exclusively biased towards the non-Self. When a person makes a nondha, he reverts to the way he was before. When one who has taken Gnan makes a nondha, he is no different from a person who has taken Gnan.
Questioner: But is opinion not formed only when one makes a nondha of something, no?
Dadashri: There is always an opinion behind it. We can accept an opinion but there should not be any nondha. When one gives an opinion, that opinion creates a new mind. When you give an opinion like the soup is salty' then you give rise to the mind. But when you make an intense mental note, then the one who made the soup is made to be the guilty party.
Questioner: What kind of an intense menatl note is made at that time?
Dadashri: Many notes such as, 'He said this to me...he said that to me...he spoke in this manner...he spoke in that manner etc. When I make