kriyamāņam kritam) several of the monks returned to the Tirthankara.
Priyadarsanā1 along with others follows his doctrine on account of her love for him.
When she gets a border of her garment burnt by (a spark of) fire thrown by Dhanka, she says "O śrāvaka! you have burnt my garment. He replies "You do not believe in (the principle of) dahyamāna dagdha.
Thus, when a burning (object) is not (said to have) burnt, how could you suspect that your garment is burnt in past or future on account of its being absent (then)? (2324-2327).
टीका - २९-३०-३१ - ३२ चतखोप गाथा गतार्थाः नवरमृजुसूत्रो निश्चयनयविशेषः । “ पियदंसणा वित्ति" आह- ननु पूर्वे " सुदर्शना " इति tra Naya is one of them. The seven nayas could be briefly explained as follows:
(1) Naigama Naya-enables the combined comprehension of sāmānya and visesa.
(2) Sangraha Naya offers only a samanya or general outlook. (3) Vyavahāra Naya gives only a viseṣa or practical point of view. (4) Rijusūtra Naya means a direct or straight-forward outlook of an object in its present condition. From this view-point, an object is directly perceived in its present condition. (5) Šabda Naya recognizes an object only on etymological strength. (6) Samabhiraḍha Naya explains numerous interpretations of the same word by virtue of different paryayas.
(7) Evambhūta Naya explains the meaning of a word by means of vyutpatti or derivation.
It should be noted that the first four nayas are padarthagrahi, while the remaining are Śabdarthagrāki.
Jain Education International
17. According to Bhasyakara, Priyadarśana, Jyeṣṭhā, Sudarśanā and Anavadyangi are the different names of Jamali's wife. (For more details Vide Foot Note 4.)
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