Book Title: Shraman Bhagvana Mahavira Part 4
Author(s): Ratnaprabhvijay, D P Thaker
Publisher: Parimal Publication

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Page 207
________________ Vada ] Nihnavavāda : 18: संहन्यते संबध्यते, तद्गतं च खण्डं भित्वाऽन्यत्र गच्छति, एवं जीवस्याप्यन्यजीवखंडं संहन्यते, तद्गतं तु भिद्यत इत्येवं संघातमेदधर्मा जीव इष्यत इति । अतः खण्डशो नाशेऽपि संघातस्यापि सद्भावाद् न तस्य सर्वनाश इति परस्याभिप्रायः । अत्र क्षणमाह-"तो वि सव्वेसिं इत्यादि" एवमपि च सति सर्वेषामपि सर्वलोकवर्तिनां जीवानां परस्परसंकरतः सुखादिगुणसंकरः प्राप्तः । इदमुक्तं भवति-यदैकं जीवसम्बन्धिशुभाशुभकान्वितं खण्डमन्यजीवस्य संवध्यते, अन्यसम्बन्धि तु खण्डं तस्य संबध्यते, तदा तत्सुखादयोऽन्यस्य प्रसजन्ति, अन्यसुखादयस्तु तस्य, इत्येवं सर्वजीवानां परस्परं सुखादिगुणसांकयं स्यात् । तथैकस्य कृतनाशः अन्यस्याकृताभ्यागम इत्यादि वाच्यमिति ॥२४६९॥ D. C. Rohagupta :--Since Jiva appears as a borly of parts like a concrete object, there would be no harm if we take it as susceptible to association and dissociation. Just as a part of one pudgala-skandha is united with another, and sometimes dissa ciates itself from it, so also, some portion of a jīva combines itself wiih another jīva, while some other portion may dissociate itself from the jīva. Thus, since jīva is susceptible to association and dissociation, it will always be in contact with some portion or the other, even when some of its portions have already been dissociated from it. Thus, jiva will never perish entirely. Ācārya :--In that case, jīvas of the whole Universe, will attain inter-combination of properties like sukha etc., on account of their own inter-combination with each other. For, when a certain portion of one jiva, accompanied by good or evil action, is combined with some other jiva, its own properties of happiness or misery, etc., would be attached to another jīva, whose properties, in turn, would be attached to the first jiva. In this way, all jīvas will undergo inter-combination of properties like sukha etc, resulting in the destruction of an action that has already been performed and attainment of another that was never performed. In order to stop such confusions, we should not take jiva to be susceptible to association and dissociation also, 174. (2469) Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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