:308: Jinabhadra Gani's
[The Botika 37. Rogi yathopadesam karoti vaidyasya bhatyarogasca |
Na tu veşam caritam vā karoti na ca prakaroti kurvan. (2586) 38. Tathā Jinavaidyāddsam kurvāņo'paiti karmarogāti ___Na tu tannepathyadharastesamadesamakurvan. (2587)]
Trans. 37-38. A sick person behaves according to the advice of a physician and cures himself, but (he) does not imitate him in dress and manners. Por, doing so does not cure him.
Similarly, one who follows the advice of the Tirthankaraphysician, is cured from the disease of Karman, while one who imitates him in dress but does not behave according to his commandments, is not (cured) (of the malady of Kar. man). 2586-2587.
टीका-३७-३८ व्याख्या-इह यथा रोगी वैद्यस्योपदेशं करोति, तत्करणमात्रेणैव च रोगाद् विमुच्यते, न पुनरसौ तद्वेषं करोति, नापि तच्चरितमाचरति, न च तत् कुर्वाणोऽप्यसौ प्रगुणीभवति, प्रत्युतक्षपणकादौ वैये नाग्न्यादिकं तद्वेष कुर्वन् सर्वरसांश्च स्वेच्छया तद्वद् भुजानस्तचरितानुष्ठायी संनिपातस्यैव म्रियते । तस्माद् वैद्योपदेशानुष्ठानमेव रोगिणो रोगापगमहेतुः । प्रस्तुतयोजनामाह "तहेत्यादि" तथा तेनैव प्रकारेण जिनवैद्यस्यादेशं कुर्वाणस्तद्वेषचरिते अनाचरमपि कर्मरोगादपैति वियुज्यते, न पुनस्तेषामादेशमकुर्वाणस्तभेपथ्य-चरिते विमाणोऽपि तस्माद् वियुज्यते, केवलं तद्योग्यतारहितत्वात्तपथ्य-चरिताभ्यां प्रवर्तमान उन्मादादिभाजनमेव भवतीति ॥२५८६॥२५८७॥ D. C.
Acārya :- A sick person is cured of his illness only if he behaves according to the instructions of the physician. Imitating the physician in dress and manners (without following his instructions), does not help him in any way. By doing so, he would, on the coutrary, become the victim of delirium.
Similarly, one who follows the instructions of the Tirthankara, without imitating his dress or external manners, is relieved of his bondages of Karman, while one wbo imitates the dress
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