[Vol. IV,
figures), on the occasion of a solar eclipse, his queen, the Paffamahadevi Maharaj is Nayanakêlidêvi, endowed with all royal prerogatives, after bathing in the Ganges, with his consent gave the village of Daravali in (the) Ko[thô]takôțiâvarahotta[ra] (district) to the Purðhita Jágúsarman, who is described here exactly as in the inscriptions B. and E.-The taxes specified in lines 20 and 21) are the bhagabhôgakara, pravanikara, turushkadanda and kumaragadianaka. The grant was written by the Thakkura Gagûka.
The date corresponds, for the Chaitradi Vikrama-Samvat 1176 expired and the pirnimanta Jyaishtha, to Sunday, the Ilth May A.D. 1118, when there was & solar eclipse which was visible in India, 8 h. 42 m. after mean sunrise.
The localities I am unable to identify.
10 . .
. . L-srimad-Gôvindachandrade11 vô vijayi 19 Kosthô]takóțiåvarahotta[rê P] Daravali-gråma-nivåsinô nikhila
janapadán=upagatan=api cha r aja-rajñi-yuvaraja-mamtri-purohita-prata(ti)hära
senapati-bhamdag&12 rik-akshapatalika-bbishag-naimittik-ântahpurika-dâta-karituragapattana[kar a *]sthana
gókuladhikari-purushån=samajnapayaty=&diśati v o(b) dhayati cha 13
yath=&sta vô vidit-aicha (va) tavadaiyam=anitya13 ta jagataḥ katipayadivas-Avalókaramaniya Madhuså (m)sa-ksi(ka)sumasampad-iva
sapata satata-gatvaram giri-kataka-vasi nam-ayur-apata-ma[dh]uva(ra)s=tilakhala
iva vishaya-bhogaḥ sudasada.7 14 valókana-pad&pmakhani vèsya (sya)-mukhân=iva durupava(cha)riņ=indriyani tad
idam-asmAbhir-api sa kala-sasv(str)-&visa[m]vadinibhiḥ pråmåņikam(ki) bhiḥ
smritibhir-ananta-phala-bhoga-bhajanam bhQmi. 15 d&nam=iti játa-niśva (écha)yair=uparilikhito=yam grâmaḥ sa-jala-sthalah (sa)-10ha
lavan-akaraḥ sa-[mat Isy-Akaraḥ sa-gartt-Okha(sha)rah 89-Amyra-madhaka-vana
vatikA-vitapa-triņa-yati-gôchara-paryantaḥ -016 rddb [v]-adbas-chatar-aghâta-visuddhaḥ [v]a-sims-paryantaḥ shatsaptatyadhika
[@]kadasa-sata-Ba[m]vatsaré Jyé(jyai)shtha-mase krishna-pakshe pamchadaśyam tithau Ravi-dinê ñkê pi samvat 1176 Jyê(jyai)shtha-vadi
15 Ravau sdyreha Khaya17 ri-samavay(s0) Rahu-grastê divákarê Ga[m]gâyên snatva vidheahi)van
ma[m]tra-deva-manuja-bhata-manapidas=10tarppayitva timira-pa[ta]la-påtana-patu
mahasam-Ushnarochisham-upastb&y=0(au)shadhisa-sa (sa)kala-gesha(kha)rar sama18 bhyarchys tribhucha(va)na-trator=VvAsache(de)vasya pajêr vidhaya pâyasena
havi[rbh]uja[m] hutvâ mât&pitror=&tmanas-cha panya-yasd(66)-bhiv[ri][dh]ayê samastarajaprakshi(kri)yöpêta-barvvalankaravibhúshita-pattamahadevi-ma
1 Up to this, the only essential difference between the text of this inscription and that of A. is, that this inscription, like B. to E., omits the words a frapati... Váchaspati in Il. 13-14 of A.
This sign of punctuation is superfluous.
This sign of punctantion is superfluous. For the following passage compare Ind. Ant. Vol. XVIII. p. 16, L 13 ff. * Read sa nupat I.
Bendori (?).
• Read =tilakana (P). - Read ead-asad-aralókana-pardnmukhdmi.
Read s-dmra. . Read Rardready=fa. * Kead .pitri-gai -(P).