Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 04
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 363
________________ 306 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. IV. 39 sa tad-anuj! Vishnuvarddhanash=shattrimsatam tat-sanur=Vvijayaditya Naróndramrigarajas-ch-Asht[4]40 chatvarimsatarhl tat-sataḥ Kali-Vishnuvarddhand-ddhyarddha-varsham tat-outd Gunaga-Vijayaditya41 S-chatuschatvårim atam tad-bhràtur=Vvikramaditya-bhápatês=tanayas-Chalukya Bhi(bhl)mas-trimsatan tat-sutah Kolla42 b[i]ganda-Vijayaditya[ho] shap=m&sân (1) tat-sanur-Ammarajas=sapta varsh[A]ni tat-sutam Vijayadityam b[4]. 43 lam-uchchatya Tadap masam=êkan tam jitvå gudbi Chalukya-Bhima tanayo Vikramaditya ekada44 sa måsân tat-Tadaparaja-satd Yuddhamalla) 88a(sa)pta varshåņi | Tam Yuddhamallam parihsitya de. Third Plate; Second Side. 45 s&t=pishţv=étarëshâm=api sâtravânâm (nâm) (1) kshmâm-Ammaraj-anuja RAja-Bhimo bhimas=bamå dvadasa rakshati sma 11 [7] 46 Tat-sunur=vvinat-êrátir-Ammarajo prip-agraņi pamchayimfati-varshâņi Vemgl-bhuvam-apalayat [ll 8 ) Dvaim&tu-7 47 rd=mma-npipate[r]=Ddana-nfipô Raja-Bhima-nfipa-tanayah [] vidya-kalapa chaturah 18 chaturanta-dharm=agt=sam&geti48 srah (II) [9] Ang Dånarnna(rpna)vadd(a)-Asid-daiva-duschoshtaya tataḥ [1] saptavimsati-varsb&pi Vergi-mahir-anayi(ya)ka || [10"] 49 10Atr=A[nta]ro Dana-narendra-sûnu fri-Saktivarmma Surarat-sadharmm[4*] [IT] yas-sauryya-Sakty& vinihatya 50 Satran-88 dvadas-Abdån=samarakshad=a[r]vvim II [11") "Tatas tad-anujô viro Vimal&ditya-bh û patiḥ [1] ma51 himandala-sâmrajya-prajya-lakshmim mad=&dadhật (11) [12*] Tejala yadlyam akhila-kshitipala-mauli-maldsv=abh52 d-amala-ratna-ruchi-chchhaléna (1) pâtisma sapta sa samas=sakalan= dharitrim bhima-pratâpa-mabit8 birud[&*]řka-bbimaḥ I(II) [13] 53 13Tasm[4 ]d-Vimaladityad-Ravikula-lakshmyâg=cha Kumdava-mahadêyyah" [*] nija-guna-vasikpit-akhila-rajanyo B&jaraja-vibhur=8 1 Rend tat-tanuje. . Read tatarre. • Metre: Indravajra. In the place of this verse, the Korumelli plates, II. 46-47, have an Anushtubh verse; but the second balf of it is corrapt. • This word is used bere in an unusual sense. . According to Panini, ii. 3, 56, the verb pish, in the sense of hised, governs the Genitive case. • Metre: Sloka (Anushtubh). The Korumelli plates have no verse corresponding to this. + Metre: Giti. The Korumelli plates, 11, 47-48, instead of this, have an Anustubh verse. * Read urarachatu. • Metre Sloka (Anusbţubh), one would have expected anu Dandraram. The Korumelli plates, II. 48-49, instead of this, bave # verse which I would read : Tatah para pati labdh measuripan undyi(ya) kd saptavimbali.warshani chachdr-doa tapaḥ kahamd 30 Metre: Indravajra. The Korumelli plates, 11. 49-52, have three Anushtabh verses here, but their wording does not resemble the wording of this verse. 11 Metro: 10ks (Anushtubb). Compare the Anushtabh verse in the Koramelli platos, 11. 52-53. n Metro: Vasantatilaka. With the last pada of this verse compare the verse in 11. 58-56 of the Korumelli platen. Birudar ending in ddednala and daurodnala, such as are distipotly referred to in the verge of the Korumelli plates, are not uncommon. 11 Metre: Giti. Compare the verse in 11. 68-68 of the Korumelli platos. 14 Read Kuidavd.déoyd).


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