Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 04
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 408
________________ No. 60.) HEBBAL INSCRIPTION OF A.D. 975. 351 Vaddiga, - gave his own daughter Bevaka, the elder sister of Krishna III., in marriage to the Ganga prince Permanadi-Batayya, and gave as her dowry the districts known as the Puligere three-hundred, the Belvola three-hundred, the Kisukad seventy, and the Bage seventy Then, it says, while Amðghavarsha-Vaddiga himself was reigning (between A.D. 933 and 940), to Batayya and Rovaka there was born Maruladeva. To him and to Bijabbe there was born & son, whom it perhaps names as Bachcha-Ganga. And immediately after this person had ruled, there ruled another son of Batayya, by another wife named Kallabbarasi, vis. Marasimha, who is well known from other records. When he was ruling, the record says, and when his grandmother Bhujjabbarasi was governing the village of Pattu .. Perbal in the Paligere district, Bhujjabbarasi performed an act of religion ; namely, she caused to be built, apparently, the plinth of a temple of the god Śiva under the name of Bhujjabbêsvara, and a large outlet of a tank : and M&rasimha granted certain lands to the said temple. The rest of the record is accupied with matters for which reference may be made to the translation ; it is unnecessary to recapitulate them here, beyond noting that mention is made of a Pergade or chamberlain of Bhujjabbarasi, named Kannayya or Kannapayya. The record contains the date of Thursday, coupled with the fifth tiths of the bright fortnight of the month Phalgana of the Bhava sanovatsara, Saka-Samvat 896 (expired). By the southern luni-solar system of the cycle, Bhava coincided, as indicated, with S.-S. 897 current. And the corresponding English date is Thursday, 18th February A.D. 975; on which day the given tithi began, by Prof. Keru Lakshman Chhatre's Tables, at about 5 h. 36 min, after mean sunrise (for Bombay). So far, the result is satisfactory. Bat the construction of the record requires us to take the date as the date of the acta performed by Marasimha and Bhujjabbarasi (lines 20 to 22). And this appears inconsistent with the statement in an inscription at Malagåni, to the effect that the Pallava prince Pallaviditya-Nolambadhiraja had already heard of the death of Marasimha in the month Åsh&dha, of the same aanvatsara, falling in June July A.D. 974,- seven months before the date of the present record. The use, however, of the past participle idu, in respect of the rule of Marasimha and the government of Bhujjabbarasi, shews that the record was not written contemporaneously with the performance of the acts first registered in it. And it would seem, therefore, that the date is the date,- inserted in a wrong place,- either of the preparation of the record, or of the performance of one or other of the acta mentioned in the subsequent portion of it, vis. the apportionment of the lands among the staff of the temple (lines 24 to 37), and the granting of the property to Gokarparili by Bhajjabbarasi and Kannayya (lines 42 to 44). TEXT. Sriprithvivallabha 1 Om Svasty-Aklļavarshadêvs para maharajadhiraja paramêśvara 1 By the mean-siga system, the Bbáva sa neatsara began on the 24th June A.D. 972, in Saks-Natavat 895 enrrent, and onded on the 20th June A.D. 973, in S.-S. 896 current. And the month Phálguns of this seducatoars fell in the early part of A.D. 978, at the end of S.-S. 895 current, aad cannot be connected with the figures 898 at all. Moreover, in that PhAlgoa, the given tithi cannot be coapled with a Thursday, either for its beginning or for its end. * Unless, indeed, the Mblagani inscription embodies a false rumour; of which, however, there is no indication in tbe published portion of the text. For the Meldgani inscription, see Mr. Rico's Incriptions at Sravana Belgola, Introd. p. 18, note 7. From an ink-imprension and an estampage.--In 1894, I sent both the materials, with my reading a far w line 17, to Mr. Bice, in the hope of obtaining a satisfactory solution of difficult passage in line 6. Ho sont me back a transcription of the whole record, made by one of his Pandite. I am indebted to his Pandit for some improved reading in the first seventeen lines; and the transcription further gave me great help in making out the remainder of the record, which I had loft untouched till then. • Represented by an ornato symbol


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