Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 04
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 312
________________ No. 36.) KELAWADI INSCRIPTION OF SOMESVARA I. 259 17 sasaliladhárå-puraso barónama-chandra - türk - Årka.khiti-sama k 21. Ô PA18 bhôg-&rttham mâtâpitrôr=&tma[na*]s-cha punya(nya)-yaso-pivarddhaes tâmyra-sa Second Plate ; Second Side. 19 sanên=&kari(ri)ksitya pratipåditô=småbhi[b ] śâsana-gauragaura20 v dharmma-gauvana cha bhavadbhi pratipalanipa [11] Tath& ch=ôktam dharma21 såstre [*] "Vabubhir=vvasudha dattâ râjana Sagar-&[di*]bhi yasya yasya yada 22 bh[u]mi tasya tasya tada phala [ll] Má bhud=aḥ phala-lam ki va para-dat-êti 23 pårthiva sva-dânât=phalam=anyantam paradat-&napalanê [ll*] Sashțhim varsa24 sahasråņi svargê [m]odati bhumi-da? (II) Bhumi yaḥ pratigpihnanti yasya bhumi 25 prayach hati ubhau tau punya-karmaṇau niyatautam svarga-[ga]minau (II) Aditya Varu26 nô Vishna Vrahma Sömd Hutåsana Sulapāņis-tu bhagavårm=abhinandanti bha27 mida [ll*] "Bhumi-data kulê játa sa nyas=tråta bhavisati [ll*] Ubhaulo punya-ka Third Plate; First Side. 28 rmâņau niyatantam sargga-gåminan I(II) Tadagånam sahasråņi v829 japêya-satâ ni cha g avan kotti-pradânéns bhumi-harttá na su30 dhyati (II) Harató håravatê yas-tu manda-vuddhistamå-vfita sa vaddhaḥ Vâru. 31 ņai pasai tiryagyoni 88 gachhati (11) Sva-datta para-dattåm=va y 32 hared-vasundhara sa vishthâyâm krimir-bhutva pitribhi saha Pa33 chyath (ID Itiḥ kamaladal-amvuvindu-lola srimaanuchintya manushya-ji. 34 vita cha sakalam-idam=ud&hfitam vuddhaḥ na hi parusham para-kirtima vilo35 pyatê 11 | Lênapura-śrêshthi-ári-Kirana-suta-[P&]rņņadat[]ua idam tâmyram yalikhi36 tam tat-pramånam=iti * No. 36.- KELAWADI INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF SOMESVARA I.; A.D. 1053 BY J. F. FLEET, I.C.S., Ph.D., C.I.E. Kelawadi, Kelwadi, or Keļoņi, is a village about ten miles to the north of bådámi, the chief town of the Badami tálaka of the Bijapur district. With a slight difference, of the long for the short vowel in the penultimate syllable, its name occurs as Kelavadi, in the present record as well as in others; and in ancient times it was the chief town of a group of towns and villages known as the Kelavadi three-bundred. The stone tablet containing the Read saliladhard-purahsaram=d-chandra-tárak-drka-kshiti.. * Originally piorarddhad was engraved, but the lower of the akshara ta is struck out. Read -Divriddhayd tdmra. Read (drana.gauravdd-dharmma.gaurandchacha bhavadbkih parindlantvah. • I consider it superfluous to correct the numerous errors in the following verses; the verses all occur in the copper-plates published above, Vol. III. p. 340 #f. This is meant for me bhidevah phala.bankd ud; see the Gaujam plates of Prithivivarmadeva, above, p. 201. 27. 6 Read adaantyan. 1 The second half of this verse has been omitted. . Read niyatan. • The first half of this verse has been omitted. 10 This is the second half of the verse in lines 21-25. » Originally ibhan was engraved ; read datidnaddan tdmran likhita. 13 Lat. 16° 3', long. 75' 46'; Indian Atlas, sheet No. 41, - Kelludee.' 2 2


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