Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 04
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 335
________________ 280 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (VOL. IV. Sahasrarjuna does not oogar in Professor Kielhorn's list. But many other names of the Kalachuri princes related to the Rashtrakūtas also do not oocur therein. The following is a list of those princes :1. Kókkala, whose daughter was married to Akalavarsha and was the mother of Jagattunga. 2. Rana vigraha, his son, whose daughter Lakshmi was married to Jagattunga and who was his maternal uncle. 3. Arjana, the eldest son of Kókkala and therefore brother of the above. 4. Anganadêva, his son, whose daughter Vijamba was married to Indra-Nityavarsha. 5. Yuvaraja, whose daughter Kandakadêri was the wife, or one of the wives, of Amoghavarsha-Baddiga according to the Karda plates. 6. Sahasrarjuna or Arjuna, the prince mentioned in the present grant as having been conquered by Krishna III. Of these, the names Raņavigraha, Arjuna and Angañadeva do not occur in Professor Kielhorn's list. Perhaps they were collaterals and not ruling princes. But that there was a ruling prince of Chêdi of the name of Raņavigraha, is shown by the following verse occurring in Jahlana's Saktimuktavali, attributed to Rajasekhara : मदीना मकलसता नृपाणा रणविग्रहः। कवीनां च सुरानन्दथेदिमहल महनम् । « of rivers the Mekalasuta i.e. Narmada), of kings Raņavigraha, and of poets Suránanda, are the ornaments of the country of Chedi." Jagattunga's maternal uncle and father-inlaw is called Sankaragana in the Kardá plates; but that is probably a mistake. The name Sam karagane does occur in Professor Kielhorn's list down below; but he was not the son of Kókkala and consequently could not be the father-in-law of Jagattunga. Where to place these three princes, therefore, in the Chedi list, must be left to future researches. After the account of Krishna's coronation, there are in the Karbad plates two verses more about the reigning monarch, in which we are told that he deposed some of his chiefs from their places and raised others to the dignity, separated some from each other and united others (v. 34); that, with the intention of conquering the south, he exterminated the Chola race and placed its country under his own dependents, and that, having made the Chêranma, the Pandys and the Sinhala his tributaries, he erected a triumphal column at Râmêsvara (v. 35). The statement about the conquest of the Chôļas and the annexation of their territory is confirmed by two inscriptions found at Tirukkalukkagram in the Chingleput district of the Madras Prosidenoy and edited and translated by Mr. Venkayya.. These inscriptions are dated in the seventeenth and nineteenth years of Kennaradeva, and he is there spoken of as the conqueror of Kachchi (or Kanchipura ) and Tañjai (identified with Tañjapura or Taõjâvûr, i.e. Tanjore ). This last was the capital of the Chôļa princes. Another inscription at Vellore is dated in the twenty-sixth year of his reign," and there are two more in South Aroot. Kangaradora is evidently Krishnadeva; since Kannara we do find as an ordinary way of pronouncing Krishna. Kțishna of the Yådava dynasty is in several inscriptions called Kanhara or Kanhära. The very fact that so many inscriptions in the country governed by the Cholas and the Pallavas are dated in Kfishņa's reign, shows that the country formed part of the territory ruled over by him. As stated by me in the paper on the D8613 plates, Bataga or Batayya, the same as the Bhatarya of our grants, whom Kpishṇa had raised to the throne of the Ganga kingdom, is represented in an inscription at Atakar to have assisted Kannaradeva in destroying Rajaditya, the Chola prince. But the conquest of the Chola country was effected after Saka-Samvat 862, the date of the Deoli grant, since it is not mentioned in it. and before Saka-Samvat 880, the date of the Karhed grant. As the destruction of Rajaditya is Aboro, Vol. III. pp. 282-85. Above, p. 81. • Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 178.


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