"In the 5th year of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman, alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Vikrama-Choladeva, - on the day of Årdre, which corresponded to a Monday and to the eleventh tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Simha."
The examination of the date No. 10, above, p. 73, has shown that the accession of Vikrama-Chóla very probably took place on either the 18th July A.D. 1108 or the 15th July A.D. 1111 ; and I have stated that the manner in which the date No. 10 works out, in my opinion, speaks rather in favour of the first of those two days. With the earlier day, the date No. 21, of the month of Rishabha of the king's 4th year, would be expected to fall in April-May A.D. 1112, in Saka-Samvat 1034 expired, and the date No. 22, of the month of Simha of the king's 5th year, in July August A.D. 1112, also in Saka-Samvat 1034 expired. With the later day for the king's accession, the date No. 21 would have to fall in April-May A.D. 1115. in Sake-Sarhvat 1037 expired, and the date No. 22 in July-August A.D. 1115, also in SakaSamvat 1037 expired.
Now, with the 18th July A.D. 1108 as the day of Vikrama-Chola's accession, the two dates, for Saka-Samvat 1034 expired, actually work out as follows:
In Saka-Samvat 1034 expired the month of Rishabha lasted from the 24th April to the 24th May A.D. 1112, and during that time the 8th tithi of the dark half ended 19h. 19m. after mean sunrise of Monday, the 20th May A.D. 1112, when the nakshatra by the equal. space system was Satabhishsj for Oh. 39m. after mean sunrise.
In the same year the month of Simha lasted from the 27th July to the 26th August A.D. 1112, and during that time the 11th tithi of the dark half ended 21h. 40m. after mean sunrise of Monday, the 19th August A.D. 1112, when the nakshatra was Panarvasu (which follows immediately upon Ärdra) for 17h. 44m. after mean sunrise.
On the other hand, with the 15th July A.D. 1111 as the day of the king's accession, the two dates, for Saka-Sarovat 1037 expired, would work out thus :
In Saka-Samvat 1037 expired the month of Rishabha lasted from the 24th April to the 25th May A.D. 1115, and during that time the 8th tithi of the dark half ended 23h. 13m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday, the 18th May A.D. 1115, when the nakshatra was Satabhishaj for 5h. 55m. after mean sunrise.
In the same year the month of Simha lasted from the 28th July to the 27th August A.D. 1115, and during that time the 11th tithi of the dark half ended 19h. 58m. after mean Bunrise of Tuesday, the 17th August A.D. 1115, when the nakshatra was Punarvasu the whole day.
From this it will be seen that, while the week-day of both dates comes out correctly when the king's accession is assumed to have taken place in July A.D. 1108, it would be wrone in both dates on the other alternative; and that in either case the nakshatra of the first date world be correct, and that of the second date incorrect. The two dates thus, in my opinion, prove that Vikrama.Ohla's accession cannot have taken place in July A.D. 1111: and they render it extremely probable that his accession really took place in July A.D. 1108.
C.-KULOTTUNGA-CHOLA III. 28.- Inscription in the Svetranyósvara temple at Tiruvenkadu in the Tanjore district. 1 Svasti frih [11] Payal váyppa . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . ko=PLpajrakesaripa marrins Tribuvapachchakkaravattigal Sri-Kulttunga-Sola[a]evarkku y[&] du ettåvadu na! Karkataka-nayarra
půrvva-paksha3 ttu dagamiyum Tingat-kilamaiyam petra A[n]ila[t]tin=på.
* No. 118 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for the year 1896.