[Vor. IV.
Pandits, which requires the doubling of consonants, immediately preceded or followed by ra, the assimilation of the visarga to following sibilants, the use of the jihudmaliya and upadhmaniya, and the assimilation of final m to the following palatals, dentals, etc. The only irregularities, dae to the popular pronunciation of ba for va, are found in 'samvaddhao (. 7) and in Samvat (1. 16). The letter ba is of course not used on the plate, but everywhere represented by va.
The genealogical portion of the Banskhera plate teaches ne nothing new, as it agrees literally with the text of the Madhuban plate. The donees are two BrAhmaņas of the Bharadvája gôtra, Balachandra, a Rigvödin, and Bhadrasvamin, . S&mavddin. The village granted, Markatasågara, lay in the bhukti of Ahichchhattra (Râmnagar) and in the western pathaka of the Angadiya vishaya. Among the officials mentioned at the end of the document, that of the keeper of the records (mahakshapatalashikarandahikrita), Bhina or Bhanu, is new. The dataka, Skandagupta, is the same person who was charged with the conveyance of the Madhuban grant. As engraver we have favara instead of Gurjara. The date, Bamvat (i.e. Śri-Harsha-Sarvat) 22, Karttika badi 1, is three years earlier than that of the Madhuban plate, and probably falls either in A.D. 628 or 629.
TEXT.I 1 श्री स्वस्ति महानौहत्यग्वजयस्कन्धावाराच्छीवईमानकोव्या महाराजश्रीनर.
वईनस्तस्य पुचस्तत्वादानुध्यातरधीवबिणीदेव्यामुत्पब परमादित्यभक्तो
महाराजवीराज्यवईनस्तस्य पुचस्तत्पदानु2 ध्यातश्श्रीमदप्सरोदेव्यासुत्पमा परमादित्यभतो महाराजश्रीमदादित्यवईनस्तस्य
पुचस्तत्वादानुध्यातश्वीमहाम[न] गुप्तादेव्यामुत्पबच्चतुस्समुद्रातिक्रान्तकीतिप्र.
तापानुरागोप3 नतान्यराजी वर्णाश्रमव्यवखापनमहत्तचा एकचहरष व प्रजानामातिहर
xपरमादित्यभक्ता परमभट्टारकमहाराजाधिराजबीप्र[भाकर[व][नस्तस्य'
पुचस्तत्पा[दा]4 नुध्यातस्थितयश प्रतानविकुरितसकलभुवनमण्डल परिग्रहीतधनदवरुणेन्द्रप्रभृति
लोकपालतेजासत्पथीपाजितानेकद्रविणभूमिप्रदा[नसं]प्रीणितार्थिहदयो-' 5 तिथयितपूर्वराजचरिती देव्याममलयशोमत्या' श्रीयशोमत्यामुत्पब परमसौगत
मुगत इव परहितैकरता परमभहारकमहाराजाधिराजश्रीराज्यवईनः । - राजानी बुधि दु. . 6 टवाजिन इव श्रीदेवगुप्तादयवृत्वा येन कशाप्रहारविमुखासर्वे सम संयताः ।
उत्साय हिषतो विजित्य वसुधात्वा प्रजानां प्रियं प्राणानुमितवानरातिभवने सत्वानुरोधेन यः । तस्या
From an inked estampage and two ink-impressions, supplied by Dr. Führer. • Possibly it, expressed by the usual symbol.
Looks like Tere. ofte, not ufore, is also the reading of the Madhuban plate, as we first pointed out to me conjectorally by Professor Kielborn.
-Read मत्या.