Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 04
Author(s): E Hultzsch
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 269
________________ 220 EPIGRAPHIA INDIOA. (VOL. IV. after sunrise of the 2nd November A.D. 1197, which was a Sunday, not a Tuesday.-The date really falls in Saka-Samvat 1118 expired. In that year the month of Visohiks lasted from the 27th October to the 25th November A.D. 1196, and during this period the 5th tiths of the dark half ended 14h 19m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday, the lath November A.D. 1196, when the moon was in the nakshatra Pushya, by the equal-space system and according to Garga for 15h. 6m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 13h. 8m. after mean sunrise. 18.--Inscription in the Vaidyantha temple at Tirumalavadi. 1 Svasti śrî [ll] Payal vål y ]tta ... 7 ..... kô=Pparakesaripanmmar=ana Ti[ri]buyanachchakkara[va]ttiga! Maduraiyum [1]lamum Ka8 ruvarum Påņdiyan modi-ttalaiyanakonda virar abishekamum Wijaiya [a]bishēkamum pano[i]y=a[r]ulina $r-Tiribuvanavirade9 vagku yandı 34vada Kanni-nayarra parvva-pakshattu dalamiyum Tingat-ki[lamaiy]um perra Tiruvðņatta nå!. "In the 34th year of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman, alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Tribhuvanaviradêve, who took Madurai, Ilam, Karuvar, and the crowned head of the Pandya and was pleased to perform the anointment of heroes and the anointment of victory, on the day of Sravana, which corresponded to a Monday and to the tenth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Kany." As the preceding date No. 17, of the 19th year of the king's reign, apparently fell in SaksSamvat 1118 expired, this date, which is of the 34th year of his reign, would in the first instance be expected to fall in Saka-Samvat 1133 expired. And for that year the date does work out faultlessly. For in Saka-Samvat 1133 expired the month of Kanya lasted from the 29th Augast to the 27th September A.D. 1211, and during that time the 10th tithi of the bright half ended 8h, 56m. after mean sunrise of Monday, the 19th September A.D. 1911, when the moon was in the nakshatra Sravana, by the equal-space system and according to Garga for 12h. 29m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 13h. 47m. after mean safirise. 19.-Inscription in the Rajagopåla-Perumal temple at Manimangalam." i Svasti eri [ll] Tiribu vaqachchakkaravattiga[1] Maduraiyum flamum Pandiyaņai muļi-ttalaiyun=koņd=aruliya ér[1]-Kulottunga-B[la]dêvarku ya2 ndu 12Avadu Dhanu-nâyarru apara-pakshattu navamiyum Tingat kilamaiyam perra Sittirai-nál. "In the 12th year of the reign of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulottunga-Choladêve, who was pleased to take Madurai, Ilam, and the crowned head of the Påndya, - on the day of Chitra, which corresponded to a Monday and to the ninth tiths of the second fortnight of the month of Dhanus." The two preceding dates show that this date, which is of the 12th year of the king's reign, in the first instance may be expected to fall in Saka-Samvat 1111 expired. In that year the month of Dhanus lasted from the 26th November to the 24th December A.D. 1189, and during this time the moon was in the nakshatra Chitra, by the equal-space system and according to Garga for 17h. 44m., and by the Brahma-siddhånta for 14h. 47m. after mean sunrise of Monday, the 4th December A.D. 1189. That this is the proper equivalent No. 74 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for the year 1896. • Read vijay-abes. No. 5 of the Goveroment Epigrapbist's collection for the year 1802.


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