No. 14.)
in the present case, was made over to the Jaina shrine. The village of Viļåppåkkam, which is 1 mile south-east of the hill of Pañchspåndavamalai, has still a brisk trade in country cloths, for the manufacture of which several looms exist. It may be that this local industry is not of recent origin, bat dates from the time before the reign of the Chôļa king RajarajaKesarivarman.
TEXT. 1 Svasti
śri 2 [K0]-Irajaraja-[K]e[sardiva[n]marku yandu 88[vajdu Paduvûrkk[o]ttattu
[P]perun-Timirinâţtu-Ttirupp[@]pmalai-p[p]3 gam-[&]giya Kûraga[np]áļi [i]raiy-ili pa[1]ļichchanda[t]tai ki[1]-P[pa]ga[l=&ņ]da
[T]ladar[]jarga karpura-vilai kondu il-ddha[rm]man=[k]e4 ttu-P[p]ôgi[n]rad-eņ[ru u]daiyâr=Dá[da]rajar Pu[ga]]vippavar-[Ga]ņdar maga [ga]r
[VI]ra-Sojar Tiruppan]malai-[a]e[va]rait(tiruv-a] - 5 [di=tto]la[d=elan]d=a[ru]ļi i[r]ukka i[va]r dev[iy]år Tlaờamah[A]devi[y]år
kazpůra-vilaiyum=anniya ya]-våvada[ada ]v-i[x]ai[yu]=m[0]6 lind=a[ruļa vlêndum=enru viņnappañ=jey(ya u]dai[y]r [Vi]ra-solar ka[x]půra
vilaiyum apniya[ya)-våvadan[da]v-irai. 7 []amo[1]ũ[j]ôm=ent=aru[ch]cheyya • Arity]ây ki]a[en]=&gi[ra Vigre-Solar
Ilåda-ppéra[]aiya[g-u]dai[y]år [ka][m]i[y]e[y=8]. 8 natt[i]y=&gav=i[da] ka[x]pura-vilaiyum=appiyâya-(vá]vadaņda[v]-ipaiyu=m[o]linja
sâsanañ=cheyda-paļi [*] Idu[v=a] 9 lla[d]u karpûra-vi[l]aiyum=appiyâya-yavadaņdav-iraiyam=i-ppa[?]]ichchandattai
kko![v]ân Ga[n]gai[y]-i. 10 dai=[Kkumariyl-i[a]ai-chch[@]ydâr Se[y]da på va]=koļvâr=1[d]av=al[ls]d=i
ppalsichcha[n]dattai keduppårval[la]va[rai] il ..[n]ru[va] [19] [1]-ddha[rmmat]tai [ra]kshippân p[&]da-[dh][]iy=
en-[ralai] mê[la]na [l*] *Ara=[ma]rava[x]ka agam=alla ta[p]aiy=il[l]ai il
TRANSLATION. (Line 1.) Hail! Prosperity ! (L. 2.) In the 8th year of the reign) of king Rajaraja-Kesarivarman.
The Latarajas who reigned in former days, had taken away the cost of camphor' from the tax-free palsichchandam (in) Kûraganpaời, which was enjoyed by (the shrine of) Tiruppanmalai in Perun-Timiri-nadu, (a subdivision) of Paduvür-kottam.
(L. 3.) While the lord, the Lataraja Vira-Chôļa, the son of Puga,vippavar-Ganda, was pleased to worship the holy feet of the god of Tiruppåņmalai, his queen Laţamahadevi, thinking: this charity (dharma)' gets ruined,' made (the following) request :-- " (You must assign the cost of camphor and the tax on unauthorised looms (to the shrine).".
(L. 6.) Thereon the lord Vira-Chôļa was pleased to order :-“We assign the cost of camphor and the tax on unauthorised looms (to the shrine)."
Another explanation of the term aspiydy arddadandaoirai is also possible. It may be analysed into anyaya + dva + danda + irai. Avam means 'quiver for artows.' A fine (danda) might have been imposed on those who made use of bows and arrows without previously obtaining a license.
. From an inked estampage, prepared in 1890.
These three aksharas are engraved to the left of the inscription proper, between lines 6 and 7. • Read aruf-cheyya.
Read inda ? 6 Tbie word means 'land belonging to a Jaios temple;' see South Indian Insoription, Vol. II. p. 52, note 2.
* This expression appears to refer to the word paffiohelandaw in line 8 of the text; Compare the words Ppallichchandaltai kedu ppár in line 10.