24 hmaņaya 4-chamdr-arkkam yâvat? såsanikritys pradatti matva yathadiyamana
bhagabhôgakara-pravaņikara-prabhšiti-samast-adâyân=&jñkvidhêyi[bhû]ya dåsyath=
êti || Bhavanti ch=&tra dharmm-&nusam($£)sinaḥ 25 slė(sld)kaḥ 18 . .. 31. . . . . . . . Likhitam ch=êdam tâmbra-pattakam akshapatalika
thakkura-[śrli-Vivikêna [1] Likhana-karmma-tithi-prabhșitikam ya. 32 thà san 1235 Phálguna-vadi Sukro. [Bhahun P] dåpûrvva-samâvâsê [l*]
Utkirnnam cha 16[hâra)-Somêkên-êtill
U.-PLATE OF JAYACHCHANDRA OF VIKRAMA-SAMVAT 1233. This also is a single plate, which measures about 1'3 broad by 1' "high, and is engraved on one face only. In the upper part it has a ring-hole, about f'in diameter. The plate contains 37 lines of writing which in a few places has suffered slightly from corrosion. The size of the letters is between 1 and 3" The characters are Någart, and the language is Sanskrit. As regards orthography, the letter b is throughoat denoted by the sign for t; the dental sibilant is a few times employed instead of the palatal, and the palatal once or twice instead of the dental; and the word amra is written anura, in line 21, támraka tamuraka, in line 37, and Vaisakha Vaišasha, twice in line 22.
This inscription also is one of the Paramabhaffaraka Maharajadhiraja Paramésvara Jayachchandradeva, who records that, on Sunday, the 3rd tithi of the bright half of Vaisakha of the year 1233 (given both in words and in decimal figures), after bathing in the Ganges at Benares, he granted the village of Matåpura in the Kachchhohe pattald to the temple of) the god Lolarka (a form of the sun), and to the Puróhita Paharaja of the Bandhula gôtra, the Pandita Risika of the Sarkaråksha gåtra, the Pandita Mitûka of the same gôtra, the Pandita Paga of the same gôtra, the Thakkura Vißvåmitra of the Bandhula gôtra, the Pandita Narasimha of the Krishnatreya götra, the Pandita Seta of the Bandhula gôtra, the Dviceda MadhusQdana of the same gôtra, the Pandita Lâldka of the Sanksitya gôtra, the Pandita Devanaga of the Vatsa gôtra, and the Pandita Kåntka, assigning to each of the donees one share (pada), and having made a jayantapura for them. The taxes specified (in lines 28 and 29 are the bhagabhôgakara, pravanikara and yamalikambali. The grant (tâmraka) was written by the Mahakshapatalika Sripati. The word jayantapura (in line 28 of the text) I have not met with elsewbere, and I can only suggest that it may be equivalent to the ordinary brahmapuri,' an establishment for pious and learned Brahmans, and that such an establishment probably was founded by the king in connection with the temple of the god Lôlárka, to which also a share is assigned by this grant.
The date regularly corresponds, for the Kârttikadi Vikrama-Samvat 1233 expired, to Sunday, the 3rd April A.D. 1177, when the 3rd tithi of the bright baif of Vaisakha? ended 15 h. 18 m. after mean sunrise.
The localities I am unable to identify. The Kachchhôha paltalá is also mentioned in the inscription N.
1 Read Onayad..
* Read yavachachhina'. • Here follow the same verses as contained in the preceding inscription, only differently arranged. • Rend támra-pattakams.
. The two aksharas in brackets at first night look like sedmin, but the first of the two, sé, appears to be hered to bha, and the second probably is humi which it clearly is in the preceding inscription.
• So this name is also spelt in the inseription N. * This is the Akshaya-Irillyd, also the Trelayugddi and a Kalpadi.