It will be impossible for you to establish: action on the strength of things which are permanent, because a thing without changing itself cannot get different actions, such as, walking, eto. If action is considered inherent in its nature, then it must be always moving and should not remain without action. Moreover, it is not possible that one thing should have two different natures, a moving nature and a permanent nature: the two are mutually contradictory.
When we see things moving from one place to another, they are really not moving, but they are being produced every moment by the previous things with such powers that their effects are able to produce further effects in distant places.
XIII. Sâmânyaparikså.
Examination of Generality. 1. Samanya or generality is of two kinds: Para ( superior) and Apara ( inferior). Parasámánya is the mere existence of the categories, substance, quality and action. This generality is one in these things as these are felt in one knowledge as existent. Each Padârtha is also endowed with a generality which is inferior to the Parasámánya, and which being existent in all entities serves the purpose of knowing all the sub-divisions of substance as such, and the substance as something different from the qualities.
. 2. The existence of generality is proved by perception, for instance, when we feel that a thing is existent, or it is a substance, or quality, ete. It can also be proved by inference. The cognitions such as it is existent, it is a substance, it is a quality, etc., must be caused by some special things, namely, existence etc., because by these cognitions we feel in the entities different qualities from that of other Vijñānas of the same thing.
Bhavivikta. : . 3. There should be some general characteristics which enable us to designate all the different cows as cows, though they differ from each other. It is the individual body of the cows that differs, but the generality of a cow (Gotva) belongs to every cow and does not differ even though the individual cows may differ. ---Uddyotakara.