[MARCH, 1907
En route the Mir Sahib paid a visit to Najīb Khan, who was at Bindraban with Jabān Khān. These two nobles had marched foarteen days earlier, and had carried out a general slaughter in the country round Mathura and Bindrāban, and bad halted there. The author went with him (Sher Andaz Khān). Wherever you gazed you beheld heaps of slain; you could only pick your way with difficulty, owing to the quantity of bodies lying about and the amount of blood spilt. At one place we reached, we saw about two hundred dead children lying in a heap. Not one of the dead bodies had a head. In short, we reached the quarters of Najib Khan and sat there some three quarters of an hour. The stencb and fetor and effluvium in the air were such that it was painful to open your mouth or even draw a breath. Every one held his nose and stopped his mouth with his handkerchief while he spoke, The Mir şāhib said to Najib Khān: “How can you relish your "food or a drink of water ?" He replied: "What can I do, I am under the Shāh's ordere; in "default of his order I can move nowhere."
When I got to the town of Mathara I saw exactly the same state of things. Everywhere in lane and bazar lay the headless trunks of the slain; and the whole city was burning.. Many buildings had been kuocked down. A naked man emerged from the ruing and asked me for a little food. I gave him some money and asked: "Who art thou?" He said: "I am a Musulman, I was a "dealer in jewellery, my shop was a large one. In addition to precious stones and engraved and "mounted goods, I had 4,000 rupees in cash in the shop. On the day of the slaughter the Shah's "army suddenly appeared, when nobody had the least expectation of them; it was at dawn. "A horsenian, drawn sword in hand, came at me and tried to kill me. I said I was a Musulman. He
said : Disclose your privities. I undid my cloth. He continued : Whatever cash you have, "give to me that I may spare your life.' I gave him my 4,000 rapees. Another came and cut me " on the stomach with his sabre. I fled and hid in a corner. My shop was emptied. For several "days past I have had nothing to eat, but a few uncooked grains of corn. Camp followers come "in day after day and knock down the houses. In many places buried treasure is discovered and "carried off. But still there are hoards left in other places not yet found by any one. If you can "take me to the camp with you and place men at my disposal, I will point out the hoards."
In brief, I made over to him a sheet to cover him, and brought him with me. When I reached the bank of the Jamnah, I found it was fordable. The water flowing past was of a yellowish colour, as if polluted by blood. The man said : "For seven days following the general slaughter, the water "flowed of a blood-red colour. Now fourteen days have elapsed, and the colour of the water has "turned yellow." At the edge of the stream I saw a number of Bairagi and Suniyasi huts, huddled close together. These men are asceties of the Hindu faith. In each hat lay a severed head with the head of a dead cow applied to its mooth and tied to it with a rope ound its neck.
To continue my story. I brought the man above referred to with me and produced him before the Mir Şahib, The next morning, with the permission of the chief minister and 'Imād-ul-mulk, ten horseman of 'Ugmāu Khan's regiment were sent with him and several axe-men. He took them to a house. After they had applied their axes once or twice, a box was uncovered. It held two hundred gold coins, several pieces of diamond, half a sér's weight of jewelled ornaments, and the same quantity of plain gold ornaments. After that, several other places were broken open, but nothing was discovered,
We came back and displayed the property before the chief minister, The Wasir made a sign to the Mir Sahib saying: "Half I give to you and Imad-ul-mulk, half is mine." The Mir Sahib represented that he had never accepted plandered property. "All belongs to Your Lordship, for "you have come from your own country with the intent of upholding the Faith and expelling the "infidel. You are engaged in a Holy War, and this is a special holy place of the infidel." The minister rejoined: "Well, I give it you from myself.” But the Mir şahib still refuse 1.
On the next day the Mir Sabib attended the Shah's audience. The Shah was inspecting the lists of booty from Mathura that had been drawn up by Jahān Khan. After he had done this, he