Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 36
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 87
________________ MARCH 1907.] Atar té amir né utté kam vioháré Pir bhôréôn nikliyd salám má nûn karda. Awwal séván tudh nûn mérd pir hai khardd Putr ján dén té má dá ji nahin karda. Nain howen gindháôlé, rag kaleja bhardd, Bibi dlhé Shah nûn kiven ih na jáé Man putr ral baithké chá héth vadháé Naini nir na thiliyd dukh kaléjá kháé Per kahlá hô péyd mat tali wadh lé jáé Vidid hoyd pir ji, mah khair pukáré. Khalqat di hamaké, log pind de sûré, 'Arzan karn hath banhké sab dar dé máré Shér té bhagiar dé, kaun ugdhi dháré Táliwald pir hai, har kisi nûn jappé Chhinj tamasha vékhné log agayé ápé Lôg tamdshagir né, kôl jhurdé máppé Pir Dhagana akhda Allah karé sujappé Dôvén ikutthé ho paé jut paé ne sání THE CHUHRAS. Pir ih akhé, Saiyidá, kôi dé nishání, Táli vadhdhané á gaéôn tainú hot giranî. Aithé hi mar javenga ho jáéngá fání. Gussa dya Saiyid nûn, aggán aya Pir nûn jhirakké és kóháṛá cháya Pir panja ugharia magar Saiyid dé lâya Jitná lahû sarir da sab bahir aya Zamin té ja péyá na bôlé bulaya Manjé utté páké sir nafrán cháya Khudiwálé nûn márdá Rabb é áp farmaya Jadon oheld ravánná kar réhá jadôn vadḍhan nún si áyá phariyá Bah ja jhanda lake, kiha hariya bhariya. 799 Shot dazzling rays. The priest on basket bathed Now fully dressed and scented, issued forth. He made obeisance to his mother, who In reverence said, "Tis I shall worship thee, O priest of all the house.' She grieved and wept At parting from her son. Her eyes were full Of tears, her heart was breaking. Husband mine, Prevent him.' So she spake and sat her down Beside her son, and fondly him embraced. Her eyes dropped tears, her heart was wrung with pain. The priest must leave her, for the tali tree Was in dire danger; so he went and she Cried God speed' after him. A crowd of friends, The village folk, with folded hands, implored The priest to stay- they feared for him. 'A wolf,' They cried, or lion who can face?' But he Was Tâlîwâlâ priest his name and fame Brought all the country round to watch the sport, And view the wrestlers, for they love to see A worthy match. The parents of the priest Were sad. Dhagana said, God succour thee.' So face to face they came, an equal match. So thought the people. Saiyid!' cried the priest, why came you, tyrant, Show me a sign here To cut the tali tree? Now die you shall, And perish quite.' The Saiyid angry grew; He cursed the priest in surly tones, and he But laid his hand upon the Saiyid's back, When out there grashed a stream of blood, and prone Shah Dhigand akhdá pir lakh hajári Ik miyán nahin meôndian hun do talwarîn. Pe putr nahin jeundé ra! ikse tha Ján Nishaurá mall baho jidé nurd Khiyali. Lék izan bap da pir gharé charhiya Majjalôh majjaliayú á Nishauré variya Aggé choudhri Ram Chand si, jis vággán té Naushera by Khiyali is thy home.' The Saiyid fell. They laid him then, bereft Of sense and speech upon a bed, and brought Him from the arena home. God kills the proud; It is his Law. And so it was that day The brave disciple faced the Saiyid when He came to fell the tree: Dhagâna said, A mighty priest art thou. O never shall Two swords one scabbard occupy: we may No more as son and father eat one food. The priest obedient mounted then his horse, And reached by stages sure Naushera. There


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