[ NOVEMBER, 1907.
Radical A xes of Transfer added by Inflexion.
Prefixes. ha inflected to h
enluana ( exorcise) m-enlūana (exorcist) p. class to in. class itua ( visit)
m-itua ( visitor) okngók (eat) h-olergók (food) e. class
to in class in. class to p. class orēh (first)
m-orēh (first person omkuòm (gift) h-omkwom give)
or living thing) ma inflected to m
omtom (all, the whole) m-omtoma (flock, P. class to in. class
crowd ) 1.-Correlated Radical Affixes of Transfor. The Nicoba rese also indicate the classes, to which connected words derived from lost or obscure roots belong, by a system of correlated radical affixes of transfer.
Prefixos. lost or obscure root p. class
to in. class hoat ha-hēat (to hook up)
hen-hoat (hooked pole) het han-het (to strain)
hen-het (strainer) òi hu-yòie (drunk)
hen-yòiya (drunkard) shin ka-shin (to prop)
ken-shin (a prop ) tök ka-toka (to dance)
keu-töka (a dance) tháng ka-sháng (to fish in 1
kan-shang (a weir)
slack water) kak tom-kák (pierce)
ten-kak (lancet) fal tom-fūalbata (tie &
ta-fūal (a pair)
pair of cocoanuts) hôn
kom-hồi ( to trap ish) ken-hội (4 trap) A good instance of the use and foree of correlated radical affixes of transfer is the following: -Obscure or lost root, tain: then tain-ya, plaiting : en-tain-ya, plaited: hen-tain, basket: ha-tain-ya-paiydh, crosswise.
Instructive examples of the effect of correlated affixes of transfer on the forms of connected words are the following, where a prefix has been added to the lost root of one of two connected words and an infix to the other. Thus: lost or obscure root p. class (pref. used)
to in. class (inf. used) di o-di (beat with stick)
dan-i (cudgel) kash i-kâsha (sing)
k-an-dishe (song) That the lost root in the latter case is really ikash in the last case is shown by momi-kdsha (maker-song ), a singer.
8. - Inflexion of Ames. It is probablo that there is more inflexion than at first appears in the existing forms of the radical prefixes.80 Thus in the case of the correlated radical prefixes -
hen may be taken to be ha + en tom may be taken to be ta + om (for am ) ken ka + en
pa + an ten ta + en
pa + en (for an ) h. - Duplication of Affixes. The existence of such inflexion would make one suspect the common existence of duplicated radical affixes, and that this is the case the following instances go to show:(1) en-luana exorcise ) : m-en-luana (exorcist). Here the root is luan and the prefix
men is certainly an inflected form of ma + en, two separato prefixes. (2) kõan (child): k-am-an-vana (a generation). Here the root is k.õan, and the infix
aman is certainly am +an, two separate infixes. (3) h-en-tain (basket ): m-en-tainya (basketfal). Here the root is tain and the prefixes
hen and men are certainly inflected forms of ha + en and maten, respectively. There is also a prefix of transfer, kala, which seems certainly to be made up of ka+la. Thus, höi (far): kala-hoiya (sky). 80 Here seems to be a strong instance of the inflection to whioh affizes can be subject
which affizos oan be subjected : wi, maico : w-om-, maker, which also takes the form of mom- for (P) m-[w]-om-i (ma + v + am + i).
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