[NOTEMBER, 1907.
ACRYUTARATIBAYUDAYAX OR Bet RIJANITHA, with Kalinga, Magadba, Saka, and Simhala are reprea commentary by PANDIT R. V. KRISHNAXACHARIAB sented as his servants (v. 46). His son China(ABHINAVA BEATTA BANA). Part 1, Cantos 1-6.
veňkatadri, who is mentioned as Venkataraya Srirangam Sri Vani Vilas Press, 1907. Pp. 156.
in the Vijayanagara inscriptions, was appointed This beautifully printed little volume contains heir-apparent (v. 51 f.). the first half of a hitherto unpublished Sanskrit
Once Achyuta's minister addressed bis master poem, accompanied by an excellent commentary in the same language. The hero is king Achyuta
in private in the Verkata-vilasa mandapa (IV,
v. 46). He submitted that the Chola king bad fed (A. D. 1530—40) of the second dynasty of Vijaya
to the Chêra kingdom, and that those two kings nagara. On this prince & recent historian bas
deserved to be justly pronounced the verdict that he was a
punished" (v. 56), while the craven, and under him the Hindu empire began
Påndya king, who had lost his throne, would to fall to pieces." The author of the panegyrical
have to be protected" (v. 57). Thereupon the poem of course represents him as a mighty, pious,
king gives the necessary instructions to the and warlike sovereign.
commander of his army (v. 58 ) and starts him.
self on horseback (V, v. 1). His movements are As in the Vijayanagara inscriptions, Achyuta a little erratic. He enters Chandragiri ( v. 22), is stated to have belonged to the family of the ascends Seshadri (v. 23 ), worships the god (v. 30), Tuluva kings (sarga III, verse 38 ), and his and makes presents to him (vv. 39-42). From pedigree is traced from the Moon to the mytbical Venkatagiri he proceeds to Kalabasti ( v. 44). At king Turvasu (I, vv. 5–18). To this race be- Vishnukafichi (v. 47) he performs the tulapurusha longed Timma 1.(v. 23), whose son Isvara (v. 25) ceremony in the Varadaraja temple (v. 49). had by Bukkamå two sons: Nộisimha (v. 27) or
Then he travels via Arunachala (i. e., TiruvannaNarasa ( v. 28 ) and Timma II. The latter is not
malai, v. 51 ) to the Kåveri (v. 58 ) and visite mentioned in the Vijayanagara inscriptions. The
Srirangam ( v. 57), whence he sends (his brother. former took Månavadurga from a Saka (i. e., I
in-law) the Salaga prince to bring the Chola Musalman) chief (v. 29). As in the Vijayana
king from the Chera country (v. 64). para inscriptions, he is reported to have dammed
Tho Salaga prince marches vid Madhurs to the up the Kaveri and to have stormed Seringapatam (v. 30). He slew the Marava king and took
Tamraparpt (VI, v. 1). He encamps there and
gends his general in advance to meet the enemy Madhura (v. 31 f.). He captured Könétirdja
(v. 13). Then follows the description of a battle, (v. 33). Vidy&puri (i.e., Vijayanagara) became his capital (v. 39). His three favourite queens
which is opened by the Tiruvati king (i. e., the
king of Travancore, v. 14), and in which the were Tippåmbika, Nagamamba, and ObamAmba
army of the Kerala (v. 25) or Chêra (v. 28) is (v. 52). Tippambika's son was Viranşisiinhardya,
defeated. The latter delivers the Chola king Nagambika's Krishnardya (v. 53), and ObamAmba's Achyata (II, v. 82), whose chief queen
Tiruvați into the hands of the Salaga prince was Varadám bika (III, v. 15), the daughter of
(v. 29 f.), who pardons him, but places the the Salaga king (v. 48).
Pandya king over him (v. 31).
The published portion of the poem closes in Vfransisimlia (v. 17) was succeeded by his
the middle of the description of a journey which brother Krishnaraya, who took Kondaviţi and
the king undertakes in order to worship the god other forts from the Gajapati king and set up a
at Anantasagana (Trivandrum, v. 32). pillar of victory at Putupettandpura (P) (v. 18 f.). Then Achyuta, the third of the brothers, was
E. HULTZSCH. Anointed at Seshadri (i. e., Tirupati, v. 23 ) and entered Vidyanagari ( v. 24). The kings of Halle, 26th October, 1907.
Mr. L. Sowell'. Forgotten Empire, p. 165.
1 Then two verses show that the anthor treated "the Chola king" and "the Travancore king" On Tiruvadi see Mr. Ventayga's Anual Report on Epigraphy for 1800-1900, P: 28