NOVEMBER, 1907.)
etchai-chakelbare chia tanang ta read-aloud
Arrived c. i. r. he (he arrived while I was reading aloud ). harra ta chdrs de ta r ona tai BBD c. I. r. elder brother own c. i. t. beat by chla as kenyüm leät chim father his child did cry (his child cried on seeing ita elder brother beaten by its lather).
chüs Strowa tai an ta o ng I beat by he c. i. r. past-of-today morning (I was beaten by him this morning).
10. paitshe sht 186 86 ta ofa some old cloth has 0.i, . they (more than two ) (they have some old cloth ).
katom?" gruang kamatoka kakaf to wake how-many persons dancers present c.i.r. last-night (how many dancers were there last night ?)
12. hat
едaл he not child
you (he is not your child).
18. oal koptap men t a
ngong in box
you o.i. . nothing (there is nothing in your box).
14. an. kanyat halau Men lòngto-ten cht? that coat boy you from
who? (from whom did you bay that coat ?)
16. chữa otlakgatô 4 batõ ta
chữa I permit he live c. i. r. hut (I let him live in my hut ). chua
leap kichal I can
swim (I can swim).
17. linhen ohit leap okngók to-day 1-not can
because sick (I cannot eat to-day because I am sick ).
n. - Bibliography.
Books. 1810. Lettres Edifiantes, Vol. XI, Toulouse. 1867. Maurer, Die Nikobaren ( valuable Bibliography: English, Danish, and German,
1799-1763). 1870. Selections from the Records of the Government of India, No. LXXVII, Nicobar Islands
(valuable Bibliography). 1875. De Roepstorff, Nicobar Vocabulary : Calcatta Government (valuable references
French, Danish, and German). 1884. De Roepstorff, Dictionary of the Nancobry Dialect : Calcutta (valuable references to
Danish works).