(NOVEMBER, 1907.
Referent substitutes (Pronouns). Referent substitutes (pronouns) follow the place of their originals
(1) ane inoat lamang ten chua (r. B. as in). (4) steak poatore kamheng en an (r. 8. 88 ill. phrase ). (5) an (r, 8. as in ) chuh harra halau loe kan de. (8) an (r. S. as e) kenyum leat chim. (9) chua finowa tai an (r. 6. as ill. phrase) ta ong olhaki. (10) paitshe shi loe ot ta ofe (r. 8. As ill. phrase ). (12) an (r. B. as in ) hat koan men. (13) oal hoptep men (r. 8. as e.). (15) chuu oklalongato an (r. . a8. in ) kalo ta ñi chua (r. 8. as e.). ( 16 ) chua (r. s, as in ) leap kichal.
(17) linhen chit (r. s. as in ) leap okngok taina tu. The ordinary referent substitutes (pronouns) are :
Table of "Personal Pronouns." chüa
you-two mei thou you)
you an, na he, she, it
they-two hen, chaai we-two
they hē, chiöi
we Chüa, men, an are ordinarily inflected also to cha, me, el. E. g. hendün ta eh awake c.i.r. he (awake him).
There is further inflexion of all the personal pronouns" with hal, not, in negative sentences. Thus:
Table of Negative "Personal Pronouns." chit
I-not met
thou-not net (and hat)
he-not hen-hat
we-two-not (in full, to distinguish from the next) het
we-not inat
you-two-not (in full, to distinguish from the next) ifêt
you-not onât
they-two-not (in full, to distinguish from the next) ofēt
they-not Inflexion of some of these words appears again in the questions used when startled.
chùa ? kane ? whatthat? (what was that?) (kane P=ka ? + ane) chūn P kina? what? you-two? (what was that P) (kina P=ka ? + ina)
chua ? kifē ? what? you ? (what was that?) (kife ?=ka ? + ifē) Eo, too, in greetings : et-chai-chaka (greet-face), greet; then (et) chai-chacha-ka
(greet-face-indeed), or (et-) chai-cha-rakat (greet-face-now). Then furthermet-chaio? how d'you do? (met=men +'et ) inat-chaio how d'you do, you two? (inat= a + et )
ifēt-chaio? how d'you do, all of yon ? (ifēt=ifē + et)
Another common infexion of the same type may be noticed here, though it does not belong to this place : wot, don't, for wt-hat (do-not).