Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 36
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 118
________________ 106 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1907 THE CHUHRAS. BY THE REV. J. W. YOUNGSON, D.D., CHURCH OF SCOTLAND MISSION ; SIALKOT. (Continued from p. 83.) Dáná pakki bahut karé, vágái tôn pharké, Agge dhar leduri, nál léáo pharke Ethé paliar lêduná vékhôge na kharké. Unhán ghôré laé thajá Atard langhé, Kite kam ķhudá de phir hônge change. Söhne rang dh ne jihre Maulá rangé. Péya dya gaj dá kikar lámbé laggé, Oh varê Nishauré enké, milé ohnán Jámu nái, Jitná hál hawál si sab akh suñái. Pir pahile pahr bál je phir jawán hô jde, Digar nálr 'aff hai buddhrá sadae. Diháre langhé ék, traé umar handáé. Kuni ndlr halim dé kôi bari dándi. Apmê đọ sambhấted, maii kanda jb này. Il sipdhi partkl, já aru sundi Asin tán térê gulam hán, Dáná péyd kohde, Chillé charhiyd tir hai pasittd na jdi Aggé bhavên na pôhé, holdhmbé jui. Chélt si/tán jörian parh nám sunáin. Pir sipahidi núi puchhdd ; Dand ki farmdi. A hundred horsemen marched-they rode in force, And Dânå gave them orders strict to seize And chain him; thus to bring him quickly, nor Take time to look again towards him, but To hasten back. They spurred their horses-- passed Atâwâ, all the Lord's great works are good. Those lines above are beautiful that he Has painted - Loa thunderstorm is here. How will it pass? They to Naushera came. And first a barber Jâma met them. Straight He told them all about the priest, the man Who had been boy till just that morning, since The boy had in a trice grown man, assumed The form of age in the afternoon, and so Was called old man - all in a single day He reached the third stage - youth and mid dle age He passed, and entered white old age. To talk With calmness is the property of age And wisdom : therefore said he calmly, 'Sirs, Beware of harm. I do not seek to vex Or injure you.' A soldier then approached And said, Your servants we--Judge Dana calls You. Fixed upon the bow the arrow lies: It cannot miss you. If it does, 'tis ours To throw again, to make it sure. Disciple I Have made this song. Repeat it. Asked the priest, • What wants your judge with me P I have not bought His property; I have not stolen his goods; He gave for me no pledge that I might have Sufficiency of corn. What reason is That ye have come from him ?' The soldier's face Grew pale ; he nerveless grow, just like shrew That while she stays makes neighbours trem ble, but A day comes when rebellious she denies To do her husband's will, and he grows fierce, Rough seizes her, and casts her out disgraced. 80 stood the soldier, (Praise the priest), abashed; Na kuchh bhdá chukiyd na churá lé dé, Na us admin hoké sannd dané dalde. Tuhannú sdri khabar hai tussin utthôi de Rang sipdhi dd udded, kuchh chard na challs. Jichar ki vasdi ghar vich hówan tharthalle Il din na lagdi khdvand di gallé Gal thón pakapké kaddhd na kuchh banhdi palle. Uded rang sipdhi da, kuchh chard na challe, Ihô vas sipahi da (pir ji !) kuchh man nahi palle. Baile pir dil vich dalel guzari Pir paikambar chal gay& gayi saddi vdri. Dhainsar hata chal gayd tarlóké dé váli


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