Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 36
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 137
________________ MAY, 1907.) TIE TARVELS OF RICHARD BELL (AND JOBN CAMPBELL). 125 THE TRAVELS OF RICHARD BELL AND JOHN CAMPBELL) IN THE EAST INDIES, PERSIA, AND PALESTINE.. 1864-1870. BY SIR B. C. TEMPLE. (Continued from p. 105.) The iudge angwerd (ye Id brought'on tryall before him), we must iudg according to Law wol condems this fact. I tooke my inrney after this to Spawbawne (Ispahan), woh is 50 Leags. This Ld was sent to Spawhawne & Confest all before Shaw Sollymon (Shah Sulaiman] Kinge & his iustices, & I saw him beheaded. He might (have) beene saued but was willinge to die. This was end Aug 1668.25 Att Spawhawne, y court of King Sollymon, Em of Pertia,26 I did lodge at y Companys howse; 8 dutohmen, 4 frenchmen, Kinge Sollymons Saryts, wth ye padreye caime to see me, I baueing lettrs out of India. We weere verry merry at ye English howse. The first 2 days I was in ye citty we kept wtbin doores, the Kinge baneinge made a Crooke (quruq] 27 wth his Weomen & if any mankinde abone Elleaven yeares old be abroad dureing the tyme of the Crook he is kild, (whether in the] Citty or Contrey for 2 leagues, for Notis is given ye day before he make ye Crooke. Its only to be merry wth his weomen, wch ride in all manner of habbits as they best fancy for Mirth. This was told me by ye Wife of a Engl surgion, One of them before she married. The 34 day, about 3 clock in ye afternoone, ye Crook broke vp, y Kings 24 or adviser, Sheth Alley Cowley Cawne? [Sayyid Ali Qali Khān], sent for me & demanded if I belonged to ye Company. I gd I was a poore Subiect of my King. What, gd he, is not y Capt of ye company oome, meaning Mr fflowers. I told him he would come in 4 or 5 days. Newes caime ye King satt out. He rose in hast to goe to Court. I took my leeue. He said, you must goe before ye Kinge. I went & made my Obeasience after ye Industan Manner & phraise, being in that habbitt, Sollam Alley [As-salam alatkum). He Sd, Allegan Solam [alaikum as-salām), yts yo'l are welcom. Wheere, so yo King, haue you lernt yt phraise being an Eugl man, & laught. I said, I had served ye Magall Oram Zebb. Sd ye K., he is my enemy, soe you are welcom from him: ye Kinge out of his gate showed me some of his great Gunns woh lay disorderly, And two Mortars woh none in his Court knew how to vse. I told him I would charge them & show him yo vse of them. Sa he, are they to be discharge[d] wth stone shot. I S4, wth asbell. Sa he, pray show me this, woh I did, yo King giveing ordr to ye Nasa [nāzir),20 woh is Mr of all his Artillary, I should have what desired. I cast 2 shells. In 4 dayes tyme I had them redy Coted 25 ? 1669. See note 19 on p. 103, ante. 26 Sbāh Sulaiman reigned from 1666-1694. 1 Kourouk signifies & Prohibition to all Men and Boys above seven years of age, upon forfoiture of Life, to be seen in any place where the Kings Wives were to pass, if he were in their company. All the ways are hung on both sides with such stuff of which they make their Tents, to prevent the Women from being seen. And notice is given to all the Mon to retire home at such an Hour: besides that, the Guards at two Leagues distance round about, were ready to prevent any one from coming near the Places so canvast in ... It is said that during the five Months from the Coronation of the King till the year 1078 of the Hogira, which answers the Spring of our 1667, the King commanded no less than sixty-two Kourouke, going abroad with his Wives every time, and visiting the Places round about Ispahan."- Chardin, The Coronation of Solyman III, p. 77, ed. 1691. * For an account of "Hali-Kouli-Kaan's" restoration to favour on the accession of Shah Sulaiman and of the various offices conferred on him, Hoe Chardin, The Coronation of Solyman III, p. 79 f., ed. 1691. See also Tavernier, Persian Travels, Book V. oh. VIII. p. 218, od. 1681, " Tho Nazir or Seeer ; Superintendant General of all the Royal Demesnes; and who also takes particular care of the Treasuries, Furniture, Buildings, Manufactures, Magazines, Stores and Servante.." - Chardin, The Coronation of Solyman III., p. 13, ed. 1691,


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