MAY, 1907.)
Jastri utthé pôdyd hathdi té pení,
Him bathe, and whole return.' So Jastri, Ih bi shag un tadón dd, phir jug kahdní,
just Ring mshardi chukidi, phir ddné páni.
As Hinda priests on Ganges' banks are used Chola akhe Jastri, Bahman li jdni.
To do, poured water on his hands. From Chappri vêkhi Jastri, bhanní té gahri,
thence Ganga jal w safiy, tubkhê Bahman mdri, The custom rose in the world. "Twas then her Ondi kaydi suddh hôgayt, jéuni lal angiydri. bread Drujji fubhí mérké, phir dalil guadri,
And water took their rise. The chela says, Méré lékh mathé té khul gaé, phir mastak Jastri, theo the Brâhman will take clean sdri.
Away! The pond that Jastri found was full Ih méra Bhagwan hai, koi kishan qutari, Of mud and stagnant water, so he poured Muh utte hath phérké, Bahman ļwbhi triyi The Ganges water in, and forthwith dived. mdri,
His body grew like burning coal, quite whole. Jastri mang lain di dil vich dalil guzdrí, A second time he dived and in his heart Us ôchhalleội pani sathiya, Idí sú tår, Conceived a thought. Fate's impress on my Bahman puchché Jastriyé, Vidhi hai, kövdri? brow Bahman dlhé Jastriye ndl mêrê jdin
Has helped me now my fortune's clear-the Pairin kısidi paks hamél handdin, Nath, dandidi, drsi, sir chunk che pdin. Is like a tod to me--he is for me Na! méréft pao, Bahmani saddin
Krishn incarnate. Once again be rubbed Janga! vich bai thké, aithe ki banden?
His face in his hands, and dived a third timo.
Now He arm resolved to ask fair Jastrl. Then He splashed and swam, and said, O Jastri, say Are you a virgin or a wedded wife ? Come, Jastrt, come with me - I'll give you
gifta, Feet ornaments and necklace you shall have, A nose ring, ear-rings, thumb ring, golden
crown, All these, and you will be a Brahman's wife. What have you here in this wild jungle? Pat
You off your plaid, and you sball have a gown Travar las lai pat dd thüri cha lain,
Of silk.' Bat Jastrt said, 0 Brahman Jastri akhé, Bahmand, ih gal hai kuri,
this Moin charnin lagi hdi pir di, meri pai gayi can never be, for I have humbly sat puri.
At this priest's feet, and he has blessed me. I Na trêvar lend pat da, mais nun changi hai cere nonghi for silken clothes. I love my bhúri.
plaid. Na doli chashnd shagan db, na khani chúri. I care not for a palangain, how good Ta jdkar k6i Bahmani, main hunni hdi So e'er the omens be. Rich food is not chúhri.
My choice. Go wed & Brâhman girl. I am Chélo siftai joidi, karké manjúri.
A Chûbți.' With great pains these songs Blhman aygé pir dó, kiti arz6.
were made. Tesi jangal andar ho rahe, naha labbar kói. The Brahman humbly made request before Ghar tuhaddi Jastri, kaithon paidd hoi. The priest. The jungle is your home; you