[Остовив, 1907.
The idea in the above two quotations is the same: "That lady who might be compared to the goddess Lakshmi became lonely and helpless as if she meant to show to the world which had only heard it explained from books that sin cannot be exhausted but by the inevitable working out of its evil results."
(2) "Solliya nagmaiy-illa-ohchunangan-i-vvuḍambu ningiy-ell-oli-ttê van-âgi-ppirakkumov-enna vêṇḍâ koll-ulaiy-agatt-itt-ûdi-kkûr-irum piradan-gutta Vellaiyil sem-bonn-âgiy-eri-niram perrad-anrê."
Jivakachintamani, Gupama laiyâr-ilambagam.
" यक्षेन्द्रोऽजनि यतोऽथमहो मन्नस्य शक्तितः । कालायसं हि कल्याणं कल्पते रसयोगतः || ”
Kshattrachadamani, 4th lambaka, élô. 4.
Here again the idea is the same :-"By the power of mantra, this dog became the king of Yakshas. Is not iron changed into gold by amalgam in the process of alchemy? This is even so."
(3) Ven-pira-ttugil-inangan vilnndu mâ-âgi ninra Top-nirav-udiran-dannaiy-udiratt-âl-olikkal âme pan-pira-kkilaviyâr tam-baáaiyinar-piranda pâvangan-pira-mulaiyinår tai-galviyår-kalikkal âme,"
Jivakachintamani, Kêmasariyar-ilambagam,
'मन्धानुबन्धी संसारस्तेनैव न परिक्षयी । रक्तेन दूषितं वस्त्रं न हि रक्तेन शुध्यति ॥ "
Kshattrashúḍamani, lamba 6, élô. 10.
Once again the same idea is given: "The misery of this worldly life which grows up by attachment can never be cut off by attachment again. A cloth stained with blood can never be cleansed by blood."
It will be seen from the above extracts that the expressions vary only as much as might be expected from the difference of idiom between Sanskrit and Tamil. The ideas are exactly the same. What is compressed in two lines of verse in Sanskrit is expanded into four lines of Tamil. There is no other difference. Similar passages may also be quoted from the Gadyachintamani.
The Sanskrit poems which treat of the story of Jivaka are based on the Jaina puranas. And this fact is attested to by the authors of the former. For instance, Vidibhasimha says in the preamble to his Gadyachintamani:
निबन्धना qutwit weef E
grad magamnaftawafa ||
"The string by its association with flowers is accepted by the head. Even so then shall my humble words showing the joys of this world and the world hereafter be acceptable by their association with the holy purdina which recites the life of Jivaka."