[APRIL, 1907.
Slah Sandal they addressed, Thou knowest
all, In earth and heaven. Try this man's right to
Tainán sári khabar hai, némen td ásmda. Pirt ihdi békh dé phir karke dhiyán, Sandalváļi pir da ja karê didár, Rabb téridn qudratdi tu apar apár, Ih miyangi bdhar hai sán charhi talwar, Té Dáné dé karm híné ho gaye karmán ditt 4
hár. Qazi Sandalrali non léké, bahi durddds. Ki kuchh iya vékhké, das aggé sadde, Jhuthá makr pir da ki divå jage, Banh hathiy dr lariga ki aggé bhdge, Sandalwaļi dkhda phir nd! imán, Jhuth main nahin akhndi, jand chhad jahdn, Ih khambanw did sap je, udd charhiya damdn.
Kaun banega mandri, kaun patár pan. Athé méré lag jdo, na band aiy dn. Saldm kar d&6 air opd, td kar då ddn. Qazi gusné hô péyd, vat mathé ghatté,
iehe darinda ghaliivé phir chôr uchakké, Ta bf Immindbad de fukre hain chaththa. Sach nalán tú akhdd, phir hal hai adhir, Main garib faqir je tukeré mang khanda hdi
chår, Bhavki kaddh chhad khan shahri bahar vær, Vang bater& taraph déð hun jal taiyar, Mate laggé anke na jhagra jute, Qazi karn akdhar, per nd oh puthế, Shard tudh nahin samajhiya kyun chhattre
kufhé ? Shard uttón sir varde, pêd puttr nú puchche. Murdár khaiwálédi chhattre nahin partoán, Hardm áthe murdár non phir kull jahan. Shamas Tabres pîr xi phir vich Multán. Sharwala uadi ulți khall 18hán, Per jd dkhed Danea, chiran chår haram. Khándé di mar jdiyé, mauhrá it haram.
A priest by insight spiritual.' He went, And seeing the priest he cried, O Lord
bow strange And wonderful Thy works! This is a
sword Outside its scabbard, whetted, ready drawn; The fate of Dânâ now is sealed ; 'tis clear That fortone is against him.' Leading then Aside Saint Sandal all the lawyers wise Interrogated him, "What hast thou seen ? How can the lamp of falsehood of this priest Keep on to burn ? Bay, will he fight or flee?' But Sandalwâli said, 'No lie speak I. As sure as death is sure, he is in trath A winged serpent. He can fly aloft And touch the sky. There's none can charm
him And damp him in a basket. My counsel hear, Be not like children - yield obeisance meet, And give him gifts.' The Qazi straight
grew wroth. He said, Away with such as you, you thief, You rogue! For nonght you eat your share
of food In Imminabad: You lio. You seek to save This priest from shame. Bat Sandalwall
said, • 'Tis plain. I am a poor faqir; I beg My four poor bits of bread from door to door. Expel me if you will, but know that like A quail you're flattering - the net is spread, And ready for you.' So the Q&zt did Not dare to meet the priest in argument, But trifled with him, saying, 'You have no law. Why did you slaughter sheep P Men give
their lives To aphold the law; a father for it will Bebead his son. And those that eat the dead Must not kill rams. The dead, as all men
know, Are food ancloan. Even Sbams Tabres the
priest In far Molten was banged and flayed, because The law abiding willed it. Dånd,' said the
priest, "Pour things unlawful are; poison that kills,