[MARCH, 1907.
Andar is bhøré dé barah sdl rihane
In answer to his father, Who will dare Aốn utthốn naské kai dukh rihané.
To cut the tali tree, which is the Lord's. Nal dagé de márdé Nathôn bdj chhaddné Forbid me not and I will lay in dust Bé par witian usdián 6h ápé jane
Their heads; if on me rests God's power, Bálé Núri dichiya, kylli hál gôvoda .
behold, Main nun apné dukh dá khólyalá sunkó. Like chaff they go.' Bat priest Dhagana said,
You're still a child-within this cell you've
lived For twelve long years : defeat means dire
disgrace, And if you're killed, a bawk escaped, alas, Is not more swiftly lost to sight than you.' • The Lord is all resourceful,' Balá said, Why weep you ? Tell me all your grief, and
seat Kháré upar chårhké mainúk chá nuhdo Me on a basket, bathe me, glorify Chhatli edl di bandagi lékhe 6hdé lád.
The Lord who gave me grace to worship Him Jé manjúri Sahib di, fateh úpar paô.
For six and thirty years. If He appears, Faqr namúné us nun ik gal sundi,
My adoration paid, then victory Huné dána bijudi jauí khét jamdin
Undoubted will be yours. The father then, Jihkar dvé jitké fath upar pdin.
Like hermit true, made this request. Essay Nahin to dhéri apni dádé lal jamdin.
Your power : a grain of corn sow, which bow Léké izan báp dd për Idré taiyari,
Shall in an instant grow if victory Dhaná nézé váng hai undaron kölé bari Is ours. If not, then insult and a grave Andur on is dargah dé pir idé tari
Beside your fathers will your portion be. Duniyd utte ghaliya, main núi ban gayi bhari The boy, his sire assenting, now prepared Tuhé pardé kajné kar madadgari..
To go. Like burning coal he went in wrath, Kéhd Rabb pir núi kyúi sôch guzdri,
With speed as of a spear. His heart was Takabbar hath talvir hai nahin chaldi karf. fixed Qabza-khol talvár dd tu banh lá dhári. In prayer all close within God's presence. Saiyid al rasul di panjé shếr dé mdría
'Thou, Chélé indir jórtán nah nam chatári.
O Lord, didst send me to the world; behold, Pir Chóréôi nikliyá má léndi vari
Thy servant now is troubled. Succour me.' Onda mathd Balé chand dá jieun asmdné táré The Lord addressed the priest, Why art thou Chand jivan domán té jivén chamkán mare
sad ? Pride grasps a sword in vain; no wound it
makes : Grasp thou thy sword's hilt, sharpen it and
cut Clean off the lion's paws, Muhammad's race.' These songs are sung, compiled by followers
true. . Oh read and sing God's name. The priest
emerged From out his dark seclusion. Giving alms His mother kissed her son - his forehead
high Was like the moon. It shone 88 do the stars
That shine in heaven, or like the moon aloft Ndr matthé de chamakdá léndd lishkáre That beams and glows. The beauty of his Pir poshákán pahindi nahdké Apar khdré. face