[APRIL, 1907.
successor of the great Lama Stag-thaang-ras-chen, who flourished during the reign of Senggernam-rgyal, mentioned above, and thus the date of the inscription has to be fixed at any rate about 1600 A. D. or a little later. The Laina Ngag-dbang-rgya-mthso is mentioned as a contemporary of Sengge-rnam-rgyal on an inscription from Saspola.
(b) Hymn in Honor of Sengge-rnam-rgyal,
(On Stone.)
This hymn (in dBu-can Characters) is found on one of the numerous mani-walls which are built along the trade-road, below the Fortress of Basgo. Close by is a tablet on stone, containing a hymn in honor of Nyima-rnam-rgyal, but the stone has become so much weathered that hardly any part of the inscription, besides the name of the king, can be made out. I also noticed in the neighbourhood a tablet containing a hymn in honor of bDe-skyong-rnam-rgyal, but it has not yet
been read.
Tibetan Text. skye dgu phan bdei sbrang char silili
mang bde dgabai lotog sosor smin
anyanpai rnga chen nam mkhai Itongsnas rdungs. The great and melodious drum of heaven is beaten in the zenith,
gragspai dpal Idan riboi rtsenas yyo. dpung thsogs dragpoi dar skad 'ururu dge beu 'adzompai smon bya thiriri dar rgyas skyidpai glu len gyururu yulla yyang chags sala 'adurdu mtho chos rgyal pho brang rab brtan la rtse dang de sogs 'adzam gling yongala dbang begyurpai 'ajigsmed sengges btegspai khri stengdu Nya khri btsanpo zhes byai sa bdag byung
Originated a lord of the earth, called Nya-khribtsanpo.
mkhyenpa rab rdzogs 'ajampai dbyangs dang He is like the perfectly wise 'aTam-dbyangs. mthsungs (Malinghosha).
mkha mnyam sa skyong thugs rje chenpo 'adra
He is like the protector of heaven and earth, the great Merciful (aPyan-ras-yzigs; Avalokitesvara).
He is like the protector of the doctrine of Buddha, the Lord of mysticism (Phyag-rdor, Vajrapi).
May the life-time of the great king of faith, Sengge-rnam-rgyal,
thub batan skyongba ysangbai bdagpo bzhin
chos rgyal chenpo sengge rnam rgyalgyi
The rain which is of great advantage to all beings, makes silili
And the different kinds of fruit (harvest) ripen, pleasing in their own beauty,
And shakes [the air] from the zenith of the famous and glorious mountain.
The strong voice of the noble company [of gods] makes 'ururu,
The prayers in which the ten virtues are gathered, sound thiriri.
The song of the spreading happiness sounds
In the land pleasure grows, and high joy on the earth.
The palaces of the kings of faith, Rab-brtan lhartse,
And the others, were raised by the fearless lion who
Really is the wielder of might in Jambudvipa. On the throne