MARCH, 1907.)
Main Allah da nam jáindi, hôr pathiye His way to Gujrât by stages long nahin.'
And entering Imminabad he begged an alma, But all unhappy met with Dânâ, who To try him asked the Kalmas five. I only know,' said the faqir 'the same
Of God. Nought else I know.' Dank was Dand høyd qahrwan sir bhar chukai,
wroth. Lokdi dkh dekhké faqir chhuddyd,
He laid a load upon the poor man's head, Us munde magar ldké aggê bhajaya,
Despite the people's prayers to let him go. Itfái mdran vávehidi agge bhannd áya He set the city boys upon the saint, Khairá tai ki chaddiya j& shahrói búhar si dyd. Who stoned him from the town.
Bavd Nanal Gurú si sab dd sánhja, Oh para karámát dá tán guru sadanda Uhndi Hindi mathá tékadé oh jit val janda Sail karé sansár dá duniyá ajmán lá. Råh vich Imminábád si ôh var gayá vánda Thakur duäré jáké Babá dérá ldé, Shahr aya humáks lô7 narrdi le 41 Findd matha çekdé, sáddá sat gur & dyd Khabar ho gayi Dáns ni oh apé de Dand gází baithké unii gal surđi, Jo tairida matha tek dé sab jhuth lokái, Hindudi dá tu guru hain zahiri kald dikehdin • Msin sat Gur da nån janida, kuchh pashiyd
nahin.' Aggé Babá båliya, “Suit, nulla Qazi, Pir prik imbar anbye sab vaddé gázi, Sání nahin kôi Rabb då sab jhithi bázi. Fagr Allah di zát hai, sun ahmaq gází. Dånd hôya qahr wan charh gussá júi Baba andar déké cha chalcki chóhde. Oh půrd karámát dá utta chádar pai Jitnd ddná shahr dá hó átá pihjái Az mat púri tán gaya phir naské jái. Che le siftan joriai parh nan surdin,
Then came & saint Whom all men owned to be a teacher true, The Garů Nának. Hindås bowed to him, As hero and there he wandered trying the
world. In Imminâbâd he stayed: the people brought Their gifts to him and said, 'Sat Gur 'has
come. But Dâng came to see him, questioning
Men honour you without a cause : what sign Show you that I should honour you who teach The Hindus ?' Nânak said, 'I know but
this, The name of my Sat Gar. Oh Maslim judge, All priests and prophets, makers of the law, Called men of God, are nought 'fore God. A
play It all is God alone is the true saint, Oh foolish Qazt.' Dâná angry grew. He locked the saint up - made him turn the
mill To grind their corn. So Nânak spread his
sheet And ground the corn of all the town without An effort. Fleeing then the town he showed His power so. This song of praise was made By true disciple. Read and glorify The Name.
Mirafiroáļs dá mulvard bahut kitában parhdd, A& gayé núnchérdá dhigáné si larda Afå lchoke fagirán da Dané kôl kharda Che la diché gavien Rabb kilar ih karda. Janda jihr gaļi val, rannán péya daráé, Mauli maihndi dhart súrmán koi na páé, Rannái núi áyá dar itná koi phul na handas Kdi mard kisi ndl gal karê ôh kafarat lagde Mulla aisá phiftiyá vaddi chira kháé Ché lá aggôn gáônda sári gal sunké,
Mirâliwala Mulls read So many books, he met all men in strife Of argument. He sent the poor saints' alms To Dana. Let us see, the Chelê sang What the Lord does. The mulla's wont was to Insult the ladies, who left off to use Their lace and henna, ceased to dye their eyes And wear their jewels; even wreaths of flowers They dared not wear, and, if a man should