(MARCH, 1907.
-Gallái ôhdidi kardé Bavê tê Sadi Mullái Mirdų sodle dá koi pakka hock Muehchối 6 điải kakkiải đ&rhỉ số khôài.
Converse with any maid, a blasphemer He straight was judged. The mulla grew
full rich With bribes, and fat - the story I will tell. The Babas and the Sodhis talked about The mulla. "Rogue and rascal he,' said they, Mustaches brown and beard but scanty his. He has no principles, his ways are bad. The fasts and prayers are nought to him ; he
would Be called a teacher-takes bis Thursday bread From all the houses.'
Mulla befarmán hai uhdi bhairí vádi, Namda roa nahi janda chaur ustad banan di. Gulli lénda jumerdt di ghar ékói jeni
Mirdlfwdyedi tur péyá Gahná mulvard
Mulla Gahņâ, marched Agg& garh Nishaurê 4 gayd viht jag To Garh Naushera : there he saw the rites shahina,
That Chůhțâs practised in be sacrifice. Vékh sirishtá pír da Gahid ghabrána,
Their priest killed rams and goats himself, Chattro bakre kbh 16 saddah nahin mulodid.
nor once Sarba! kļa ho gaya Gahnd mulvdad,
Called in a Muslim priest. And seeing this Chela dkhé, Gahnéa, ih jag Mi shahana Gahņgrew angry like a glowing coal. Kl pir de diks Gahid karê bayán,
Oh Gabna,' the disciple said, observe Chchhattré bakre köhnde a learndén tú gyán, The way the Shâhis sacrifice. But Gahņa said, Shardwaļa mulváné, téri kaddh léngé ján. You kill both rams and goats, how dare you Shamas Tabré: pir si vich Multár,
have Shariwdle mulváre 88 di ula khall lahan Such rites? We that do know the Law of God Oh dá bhanda kitá adrd nål den na khan. Will kill you. Know you not that Shams Uo suraj fikk bhunsyd tdi muih lagd of pai. Tabrêz, Itthon kikar bachéngá sánnun das baydn Priest of Multân, was by the masters of Chhattré bakré sádạé apnd shard hai tuhaddi The law hang up by the feet and flayed, because Shard nahin mangas asin gaye taina lan di He broke the law. They cast him out. They har sadi
would Bhaji tainti nahía ghalliya vich pá rikábí, Not let him eat. The son approached, and he
Did roast his fish and ate his scanty meal. They spared not him, then how will you
escape?' The priest replied, The rams and goats are
ours, The law is yours. We do not want your law,
Nor have we called you. Yours it is to seek sanndi téri khabar nahih ti kéhr than de A quarrel. Go. We know not you, nor where gdzi
You dwell and execute your law. But he O Gujranwali na gaya, 6h Immindbádé Went not to Gujranwal, but took his way dhand
To Imminabad, to see the Qazi. So Råh vich rôdd jdonddi Gahnd mulvdid He went in tears. Gâhņ the priest appeared Aggé majlis Dane gaz di 8the ja kurudi. Before Dânâ the Qizi. There he wept Pag Idhké pilfedi ja Gahnd mulvárd
Such bitter tears, and threw his turban down Dåne gdzi dkhiya Thrún pakar baháo. So vehemently, and beat his breast so sad Ján kis ihndi wdriya main ndi puchh sunds That Dana Qazi cried. Take hold of him. Ji ihmún kuchh lur gaya koi mantar pad Here seat him and see he has been beaten, or Chhil Kaisar dá chauf hai ihndi andar påd, A serpent poisonous has stung him, 80 Lékai uhna pakariya Gaknd tad bf fappo Use charms. Or mayhap he has some disease.