(MARCH, 1907.
Téri gal nahin phérní jó kar lét sdi.
Preserve my Shahis, even if thou must Bdié pir pakar léi, kdgan té kání,
For ransom mo cast into hell.' God said, "O BAIA, thou deservest well : take pen, And ink and paper, for I grant thy prayer. Throughout the world thy followers shall be
saved.' So priestly Bale to reed and wrote,
We make yearly sacrifice,' and thus Varhé di jag laroge fik muddatimi,
Great Bâld had his followers' sins forgiven. Balé pir umat balchshd l&i kam høyd dadni 'Twas easy. His disciples sang his praise, Chélé siyan jóridi, var Durga Bhowini. Bhowani siding, goddess eloquent. Oni s sach paua dhani.
The Lord of wind and sky alone is true. Awwal sift Khudd di chéld bandé,
The first of God's commands disciples sing. Ndi te pita ndi sértés jai sansdr vikhdé. To father and to mother honour give, Déi máta séviên, jain shabd sikhas.
Who showed the world to as the goddess too Pir, paskambar, auliye, Rabb dp banda Who taught us truth. The priests and Bhunne dáné bijwen jauni khét jandé,
propketa al Jihra láwé ajmatda sôhí ôh pîr kahde Were made by God. If perfect seeds are sown Aggé pahré sach dé, kuchh ho gaye né hôr, Straight barley grows from out the earth, Sach duniyd then tur gayd, jhuth paydé jor, and so, Lalach lagga sach núi, Rabb bandydatór When fruits are good the priest is proved Thusha painoh hi manniyê, phiren bara lilor. & true Is pahr& dé ad mi hóé basé atatt,
And perfect priest. The former ages all Oțak sifat suiátní koléne nahin rakh Were times of truth, but truth has left the Svidadiwdle sunangé bésid di nahis pak,
world: Jinhdi suniy sidg nd!, bihishtia varn késhege . Untruth prevails : Desire attacked the trath
With onslaught fierce. God made this thief
desire. False teachers are received, and proudly walk Amid an evil age, where wicked men Do wickedly. All this I must reveal. The true will hear, the false reject, but those
That hear with faith at last will enter heaven. Auganhard chélt høyd Langar Shah då odre A sinful man am I, disciple born Oh sannhdi bahut mdridi jhugge bahut wird, Within the time of Langar Shah. "Twas he Orak dhathd like shabdná duára
Broke into many a house, and many a hut Jitné aib sawdb adi bakhshd léyé tr6
He burned. At last he came, repentant he, Os nishdi dharidi nam didi dhar adlar shara To seek the gates of Bala's sbrine, where he Chélé Apar ninhdi dé chad kôt wedre
Had all his sine forgiven. The name of God N am baniya itna jos ambar tare
He made foundation sars, and, with plamb Barakat Balá për di leo hankár ma mire And compass, straight be built a hiding place, Cheld sift bandidi kt kuti tadbir
The base firm resting on the name of God, Agga Balé pir da høyd ddmangir
The top far reaching to the stars of heaven. Duniya tôi bé hirs hda nahin jag m vir The blessing BA gave accomplished this. Aqibat válé baurrid taas sachchd pîr
There is no room for boeat To write a song Sifat churd karn man karê bicht
Assayed the priest's digoiple. Thus he caught Sab haqiqat pit di sudsnás odkar
The hom of BAX's garment as he prayed, Bald pir dyd dunayd té das auldr
And said, O thoa true priest, the world is Chald danishaand biabé lakik harde
vain, Ushda nám bandyd itsad korbésbunda No sacrifice have I, no merit, none : Orak nahin dyd nam dd sab challa mihar Be thou my helper in the end. How shall