[MARCH, 1907.
Nawab 'Abdullah Khan was an able poet; his pen name was "Āşi. He was also a capable musician and painter; and he knew a lot of secrets about suakes, and spent much time in playing with them. At length his fate came from a snake's poison and by God's decree he passed from this transitory world. May God give him rost.
Couplet. Dunyāgst där.i-be-baqa, "uqbā,st maskrüt-i-fana "The world is a passing show, eternity conditioned
by decay: Bas khub shud kin yad-i-ma in ham guzasht, an "Enough that in memory of me this and that ham gunasht.
happened." [The End.]
Additional Notes. The chronology of this invasion may be here farther elucidated from the Tarikh-i-Ahmad Shaht, B. M. Oriental MS., No. 196, ff., 625. to 98., and Tarikh-- Aangir Şant, B. M. Oriental MS., No. 1749, ff., 841_1281.
Ahmad Shah sent out his tents from Qandabār on the 22nd Sha'ban 1169 H. (21st May 1756) and marched on the 27th (26th May). About three weeks later Traj Khán arrived as an envoy from India. Kabul was reached on the 9th Shawwal (6th July 1756). About the end of August, Qalandar Khan was sent to India with Iraj Klan. On the 22nd zal Hijjah (16th September) the march from Kabul began ; the camp was at Jalālābād on the 8th Muharram 1170 H. (3rd October 1756), and his advance troops entered Lāhor on the 4th October. The Shah reached Peshāwar early in Safar 1170 H. (end of October). Qalandar Khan received his first audience at Dihli on the 6th Safar (80th October 1756). The march from Peshawar was resumed on the 22nd Safar (15th November). On the 27th Rabi I (19th December 1756) Aghā Riça Khan was sent by the Indian Emperor to Ahmad Shāh. Some time in Rabi. II. (23rd December 1756 to 20th January 1757) Ahmad Shäh moved from Sonpat to Narelah. On the 4tk (26th December), after a consultation, the emperor's tents were sent out to Kaţrah Mahaldar Khān (close to Bādli), awd Ya'qub 'Ali Khan, Afghän, undertook to obtain favorable settlement from the Durrani. On the 28th (19th January 1757) Imid-ul-mulk appeared in the Shāh's camp at Narelah. Ahmad Shah entered the Fort at Dihli, sat on the throne, and coined money, 8th Jamida I. (28th January 1757). Khan Khanan (Intizim-ud-daulah) had been made Wazir on the 26th January; and the marriage of 'Imād-ul-malk to Mu'in-ui-mulk's (Mannū's) daughter took place on the 20th of February.
Ahmad Shah marched eastwards on the 21st February and Jahan Khin carried out the slaughter at Mathuri on the 28th February 1757. The two princes, who had been sent for, left Dihli on the 14th and reached tho Shāh's camp on the 18th March. The Shah's return march began on the 27th March; he reached Faridābād on the 29th, and on the 2nd April moved to a place between Bädli and Narelah. From that point his movements do not concern ts.
The dates of the ineffective campaign against Shujä -ud-daulah may also be given. On the Srd April 1757 the princes were at Mainpuri, and Ahmad Khan, Bangash, joined them. They moved on to the Ganges on the 4th and Hidayat Bakhsh proceeded to Itāwah, while Mirzi Baba remained at Qadirganj till the 19th. When Shuja'-ad-daulah came out, the prince retreated to Farrukhābād. The princes recrossed the Ganges on the 30th May and Sālär Jang arrived from Shaja -ud-daulah on the 10th June. Terms were arranged, and on the 24th June the princes crossed back and returned to Farrukhābād. They moved on to Dihli and 'Imad-ul-mulk followed with Ahmad Khan, Bangash. They were at Kol ("Aligarh) on the 14th July, and four kos from Dihli on the 23rd, 'Imád-ul-mulk on the 13th September 1757 introduced Ahmad Khan at Court, he having been newly appointed Amir-ul-umara (vice Najib Kbin).